
Showing posts from 2007


Sicko I have just watched the Film Sick from Mike More, was really shocking. Planning a trip to the USA it makes me worried about any health problems or if we have an accident there. It’s a must see this one, and it make mw glad New Zealand didn’t privatize our health system in the 90s like America has. Sicko Laintal

November Meetings

Hi NZ Astronomers Wellington and Wairarapa Astronomy Events for November 2007 New Members are always welcome along, including visitors from around NZ and overseas. Please note the new dates of this Months Phoenix Meetings Thanks Edwin Wellington Phoenix Meeting Thursday the 29th of November 7:20pm @ Science House (Royal Society Buildings), Turnbull Street Wairarapa Phoenix Meeting Friday the 30th of November 7:20pm @ the Phoenix clubrooms, Ahiaruhe, Wairarapa MARTAIN CHRONICLES Once every two years the Earth makes a close approach to the planet Mars. At these times Mars becomes a prominent bright reddish star in our night sky. A close approach to Mars will be occurring in December. This program is all about the planet Mars, its history, myths and the latest discoveries Wellington WAS Meeting Wednesday the 14th of November 7:25pm @ Science House ...

Halloween On Halloween night in present-day Ireland, adults and children dress up as creatures from the underworld (e.g., ghosts, ghouls, zombies, witches and goblins), light bonfires, and enjoy spectacular fireworks displays, despite the fact that such displays are usually illegal. It is also common for fireworks to be set off for the entire month preceding Halloween, as well as a few days after. Halloween was perceived as the night during which the division between the world of the living and the otherworld was blurred so spirits of the dead and inhabitants from the underworld were able to walk free on the earth. It was believed necessary to dress as a spirit or otherworldly creature when venturing outdoors to blend in, and this is where dressing in such a manner for Halloween comes from. This gradually evolved into trick-or-treating because children would knock on their neighbours' doors, in order to gather fruit, nuts, and sweets for the Halloween f...

Beebo + My Space

Yes I must confess to spending too much time on theses websites lately! I have just signed up for them and have been browsing through. Must be one of the last people to join up on these things.

Believe it, Its True!

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experie...

October Moon Photos

October Moon Photos Taken Thursday night on Wellingtons South Coast. Oct Moon Please have a look at the photos at the above link Thanks Edwin

The Great Cosmic Roller-Coaster Ride

The Great Cosmic Roller-Coaster Ride You might not think that cosmologists could feel claustrophobic in a universe that is 46 billion light-years in radius and filled with sextillions of stars. But one of the emerging themes of 21st-century cosmology is that the known universe, the sum of all we can see, may just be a tiny region in the full extent of space. Various types of parallel universes that make up a grand "multiverse" often arise as side effects of cosmological theories. We have little hope of ever directly observing those other universes, though, because they are either too far away or somehow detached from our own universe.

Big Full Moon

Space Weather News for Oct. 23, 2007 BIG FULL MOON: This week's full Moon (Oct. 25-26) is the biggest full Moon of 2007. It's no illusion. Some full Moons are genuinely larger than others and Thursdaynight's will be as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than lesser full Moons we'veseen earlier this year. Check for the reasons why. SPACESHIP SIGHTINGS: Space shuttle Discovery launched this morning from NASA'sKennedy Space Center on a two-week mission to the International Space Station (ISS). This means sky watchers should be alert for spaceship flybys in the nights ahead. Both Discovery and ISS will make favorable passes over many US cities with thepossibility of double flybys later this week when the two spacecraft are about to dock.

Jersey Girl

Jersey Girl Despite bad reviews I really enjoyed this movie. I hadn’t heard anything about it before as was really drawn into the story and plotline. Really illustrated the conflicts between success at what you want and what really matters. Get Shorty I also watched this one over the long weekend as well good fun.

Jersey Girl

Jersey Girl Despite bad reviews I really enjoyed this movie. I hadn’t heard anything about it before as was really drawn into the story and plotline. Really illustrated the conflicts between success at what you want and what really matters. Get Shorty I also watched this one over the long weekend as well good fun.

RASNZ E-Newsletter

=================================================. Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand Email Newsletter Number 86, 21 October 2007 =================================================Affiliated Societies are welcome to reproduce any item in this email newsletter or on the RASNZ website in their own newsletters provided an acknowledgement of the source is also included. Contents -------- 1. From Galileo Galilei to Sustainable Lighting 2. RASNZ 2008 Conference at Lake Tekapo 3. The Solar System in November 4. Comet C/2007 F1 (LONEOS) 5. Stardate North Island 2008 6. Stardate South Island 2008 7. We're Black Hole Dust? 8. Massive Black Hole Upsets Big-Star Evolution Theory 9. Orion Nebula Comes Closer 10. Comet Encke Docked 11. Iapetus's Winking Explained 12. Dawn Spacecraft Successfully Launched 13. Mars Rovers Work Overtime 14. Monster Telescopes in the Works 15. Council Nominations Sought 16. 2007 AGM Minutes Available 17. NZ IYA Websit...

Phoenix Meetings + Almanacs

Phoenix Meetings Wellington Phoenix Meeting Tuesday the 23th of October 7:20pm @ Science House (Royal Society Buildings), Turnbull Street Wairarapa Phoenix Meeting Thursday the 25th of October 7:20pm @ the Phoenix clubrooms, Ahiaruhe, Wairarapa 7:30pm Society News 7:40pm MAYAN MYSTERIES UNRAVELED A presentation by Kay Leather The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as its spectacular art, monumental architecture, and sophisticated mathematical and astronomical systems. In this presentation Kay will explore the remarkable astronomy of the Maya and discuss recent discoveries. 8:30pm Coffee Break 8:45pm DAWN OF THE MAYA A National Geographic Special (DVD) There is the great Maya civilization that we know and another that we are just discovering. Arc...

Orionids Alert

All, Orionids Alert.Alert for Orionids peaking this weekend!! Do we watch Saturday morning down here?? Spaceweather alert today with pic. Attachment.I posted a pic I took in Patutahi, looks like it could be two Taurids, can you spot the faint line in the Milky Way, similar angle and duration to the bright one. Pic is at Gissy Gathering. Its my first ever meteor image, and of course now I’m hungry for more.. Make a segment for Warwicks Movie.This is a good opportunity to get out and shoot 3 hour segments of wide 30second shots back to back. Use multi shot mode and lock down the handpiece, its easy. If you want to help me collect frames, and need a handpiece, I’ll make one for you if it’s the 2.5mm mini jack style, that’s easy. I cant make the Canon fitting though, sorry. You don’t need fish eye, standard widest angle you got will do, and probably better, that’s what I’m going to use for clarity. (I got 18-55mm, equiv to 24-70 old school). He needs 360 frames of 19...

Earthlight on the New Moon

Sky News from Paul All, Earthlight on the New Moon I did a trial stack with the new moon tonight, a slight improvement on each frame, but now I know how to create a very good image given a day or two, by separating out each component and recombining downstream. I also attached a shot of the overall view, Scorpius, Antares and Jupiter, showing the light pollution on our house and TV antennae. The moon is useless at 10 seconds on a wide shot of course. Again a need arises for substituting the moon components, which I took at different exposures for later process. Those pics and their larger versions are on now. Red Rainbow in the sunset – Uenuku and Aniwaniwa I cant show the really good pic that was sent to me today, as it’s a red rainbow. It’s a very special rainbow, shot in last nights sunset and sent 10 minutes later to me by Simon Baumfield, he was the diver that also took pics of the Whale (and the DNA samples) in Wellington Harbour yesterday. But yo...


Shifting Things have been real busy the last two weeks, 5 other flatmates and myself have moved from Mt Vic in Central Wellington to The Sourthern Suburbs Buckley Rd Southgate. Amazing views I’ll have to post a few! We have only now connected up our internet! See You Laintal

Phoenix Meetings

Wellington Phoenix Meeting Tuesday the 23th of October 7:20pm @ Science House (Royal Society Buildings), Turnbull Street Wairarapa Phoenix Meeting Thursday the 25th of October 7:20pm @ the Phoenix clubrooms, Ahiaruhe, Wairarapa 7:30pm Society News 7:40pm MAYAN MYSTERIES UNRAVELED A presentation by Kay Leather The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as its spectacular art, monumental architecture, and sophisticated mathematical and astronomical systems. In this presentation Kay will explore the remarkable astronomy of the Maya and discuss recent discoveries. 8:30pm Coffee Break 8:45pm DAWN OF THE MAYA A National Geographic Special (DVD) There is the great Maya civilization that we know and another that we are just discovering. Archealogists have recently discov...

NZ Almanac 2008

NZ Almanac 2008 The Almanac is a beautiful calendar with wonderful photographs taken by New Zealand astronomers. Every year the photographs seem to get better - and this coming years edition is no exception! The Almanac is also packed with information on various astronomical events occurring through out the year that is presented in an easily accessible calendar format. Almanacs make wonderful Christmas presents, so consider giving them as christmas stocking fillers.If you would like to be sure of receiving your Almanac in time for Christmas, then fill in the order form below and post back to us, with your cheque, as soon as possible. Almanac Info Order Form Contact person Kay Leather

October Astronomy Events

Hi NZ Astronomers Wellington and Wairarapa Astronomy Events for October 2007 New Members are always welcome along, including visitors from around NZ and overseas. Please note the new dates of this Months Phoenix Meetings Thanks Edwin Wellington Phoenix Meeting Tuesday the 23th of October 7:20pm @ Science House (Royal Society Buildings), Turnbull Street Wairarapa Phoenix Meeting Friday the 26th of October 7:20pm @ the Phoenix clubrooms, Ahiaruhe, Wairarapa Wellington WAS Meeting Joel Baker Meteorites Wednesday the 10th of October 7:25pm @ Science House (Royal Society Buildings), Turnbull Street The speaker for the October WAS meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday, October 10 is Joel Baker who will be talking about meteorites. Meteorites that arrive at Earth from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter are our oldest samples of the...

Phoenix Meetings

Phoenix Meetings Wellington Phoenix Meeting Thursday the 27th of September7pm @ Science House (Royal Society Buildings), Turnbull Street Wairarapa Phoenix MeetingFriday the 28th of September7:20pm @ the Phoenix clubrooms, Ahiaruhe, Wairarapa For both the topic is "THE SKY AT NIGHT" and this one looks at thespring night sky. There will be a smörgåsbord of topics and speakers.The topics and speakers will not be the same at the two meetings. Among the subjects under discussion will be the Andomeda Galaxy, Galaxies inPhoenix, and the Geminid meteors.

Childrens Yoga

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to mention to the parents who haven't enrolled the kids in the Monday classes for the four to eight year old please do so. People are calling and wanting to enroll but most may do it at the last minute. I can only take up to eight. I was going to send forms out but it would be great if I could trust your word of enrolling and you can just pay and fill out the forms before the class. If you are a Student at the studio you can fill out the forms and Pay when you take class. I have been asked by New Zealand national radio to be interviewed about the kids yoga. They will want to interview the kids and parents. If you have been coming to the Saturday classes you are already prepared, as well as your child. The parents will be interviewed. after the kids take the class. If you are planning to enroll for the Mondays you are welcome to participate in the Saturday class when the program will be taped. It sounds like fun!!!!! If you have been doing Yoga yourself, t...

RASNZ E-Newsletter

RASNZ E-Newsletter From Alan Gilmore RASNZ =================================================. Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand Email Newsletter Number 85, 23 September 2007 =================================================Affiliated Societies are welcome to reproduce any item in this email newsletter or on the RASNZ website in their own newsletters provided an acknowledgement of the source is also included. Contents -------- 1. Total Lunar Eclipse 2. 2008 RASNZ Conference 3. The Solar System in October 4. Stargazers Getaway Summary 5. Waharua Report 6. Harley Wood Winter School Report 7. Astrophotography Camp 2007 8. Council Nominations Sought 9. 2007 AGM Minutes Available 10. Stardate North Island 2008 11. Stardate South Island 2008 12. NZ IYA Website - Biographies Needed 13. Comet Gilmore P/2007 Q2 14. K-T Extinctions Due to Asteroid Collision Debris? 15. Giant Hole in the Universe 16. Nearest Neutron Star? 17. Stars v. Sand Recounted ...