
Showing posts from June, 2019

Teegarden’s Star

Teegarden’s Star Hi everyone I can remember reading Nemisis by Isaac Asimov along with a detailed article in the magazine Astronomy about the smallest stars Red Dwarfs sometime in the 90s. This sparked an interest in these small and interesting stars, I have been reading and studying them ever since. I have been thinking along with many others about their prospects for life and even extra-terrestrial civilization’s. Fast forward to the present day and technology has revealed systems of Terrestrial worlds are very common around these numerous and long lived stars. In fact not finding system of Planets would now be considered unusual. I’m also currently reading Proxima the story was written before the discovery around Proxima Centauri which is interesting in itself. Let now have a look at another amazing system around a Red Dwarf. Teegardens star is a solar neighbour, and similar in size to Trapist-1 being just large enough to make it onto the main sequence, so this is

New Data Center

Installation   work in the new modular data centre Power, cabling and floor strengthen being installed before the data storage is put in. An interesting day at work


This months research Papers 20_06_2019 RASNZ_20_06_2019 The Chaotic Nature of TRAPPIST-1 Planetary Spin States Water delivery to the TRAPPIST-1 planets Brown Dwarf Atmospheres As The Potentially Most Detectable And Abundant Sites For Life Seismic Signals from Waves on Titan's Seas Evolution of the inner core of the earth "First in, last out" solution to the Fermi Paradox From cosmic explosions to terrestrial fires? On the enlargement of habitable zones around binary stars in hostile environments