Save the Point from Paul Moss

All, Te Rae Kai Hau Point (between Lyall and Houghton Bays, Wellington South Coast) remains protected from development, for the moment.
To all the people who stood up for the basic 'rightness' against all odds, and $millions with positions of power. And still saved a precious piece of land, sea and sky, and created a lesson for others to follow globally. Be vigilant, think global, act locally.

Thanks for your kind comments, your support, everything. Save The Point , GADOT and a bunch of individuals, achieved the 'impossible dream'.

A very heady week, with a book launch for ASTRONOMY, (Robert Shaw) and images flying around the web to celibrate, the media had a fest, my 'STARS' visuals (Original Concept and Music by Warwick Blair) under consideration for a Biennale on the opposite side of the planet, and of course, the end to the madness at the Wellington South Coast. I believe that the impact of all these events this week will be much greater than any of us can calculate, and that the overall good for astronomy in our country and the world has increased somewhat.

A special thanks to Steve Butler who called me last night while I was at the Three 'Scapes that he named as such, and to Vicki Irons, who had the courage and foresight to lodge the resource consent form that gave us the hearing more than a year ago, and who I believe presented our astro evidence to the Environment Court in recent months. The decision is an 80 page document that I believe focuses on Landscape Values, and I am looking forward to 'mining' that document to provide support for any other objectors to development that threatens the health of all or any of the 'scapes that we need to protect, in order to improve the quality of the sky, and our experience of it.

Ive attached a couple of shots, you will find the larger versions and more at I had instances of atmospheric phenomena at both media fests' this week, a parhelia on Monday at Aotea College (Porirua) and cloud irisation on Friday at Te Wananga Aotearoa. (University of New Zealand) Please Note the relationship between the stars in the waka and the stars in the sky, this is becoming exceedingly important to this country and us.

News report here: $20m Wellington aquarium scuttled


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