February 2023 News, research and Starcharts
February 2023 News, research and Starcharts
Hi Everyone
A lot of interesting research papers out this month that caught my attention. Well it’s been a month of Weather extremes here in NZ and the tropics are still quite active to our north, and North America has been hit with some bad storms as well. Moving on to the highlights to read.
Looking at our own solar system there was a good study on how stable a super Earth Planet would be in our solar system between Mars and Jupiter and it’s probably a good thing we don’t have one present as it could cause some instabilities however A Earth mass planet wasn’t modelled or smaller Mars sized planets, these could be more stable. The search for a distant super Earth around our solar system turned up in an interesting paper this month. By carefully studying the positions of the known planets and some asteroids, the planet could well be detected however the problem was in gaining accurate information on the location of all the solar system objects.
Exo planets around Red dwarfs also has some interesting news out this month, from a Jupiter sized discovery and nearby Earth sized planets too.
Research papers
Tracking the Evolution of an Ocean Within Mimas Using the Herschel Impact Basin
Geological analysis of Monad Regio, Triton: Possible evidence of endogenic and exogenic processes
The Dynamical Consequences of a Super-Earth in the Solar System
An Earth-sized Planet around an M5 Dwarf Star at 22 pc
Mercury's formation within the Early Instability Scenario
Can the gravitational effect of Planet X be detected in current-era tracking of the known planets
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs, Wolf 1069
TOI-5205b A Short-period Jovian Planet Transiting a Mid-M Dwarf
Quadruple-star systems are not always nested triples
Observational Evidence for Cosmological Coupling of Black Holes and its Implications for an Astrophysical Source of Dark Energy
Island refuges for surviving nuclear winter and other abrupt sunlight-reducing catastrophes
Interesting News items
Well its raining heavily here right now!
Time to update the textbooks
The discovery of a dozen new moons for Jupiter makes the king of planets the king of moons, too — at least for now.
AI seti search
It's raining lamps: 15kg street lights fall in Wellington with deadly force
An interesting look at the types of solar systems
I can remember attending an investment seminar or talk I my early 20s which must have been around the early 2000’s. The Speaker started off with Saying “Living in Australia and New Zealand you have already won the lottery, on this planet” it’s a quote I’ve always remembered, and thinking about a major volcanic eruption, asteroid strike or a nuclear war it sure seem relevant today.
Island refuges for surviving nuclear winter and other abrupt sunlight-reducing catastrophes
Earths inner inner core
Why New Zealand and Australia are the best places on the planet to ‘survive the apocalypse’
Meanwhile yet another cyclone is heading out way.