January 2023 news, research and starcharts


January 2023 news, research and starcharts


Hi everyone a few notes of upcoming star parties, and the space exhibit in Carterton too.


Lots of interesting research out this month to read and follow up on. If you’re interested in the solar system and exo planets you’re going to have a lot to read this month.  



The Phoenix Astronomical Society.

TPAS Summer Stardate Moves to February



The Summer Stardate organised for this weekend is forecast to be hit by inclement weather.  Those excellent nights for observation we had anticipated are unfortunately being experienced now.  So, we moved Stardate to 17 to 19 February 2023.   We have compressed the programme to fit the weekend - remains exciting.  Hit the button below.


The Summer Stardate is held at Stonehenge Aotearoa, Carterton (Wellington Anniversary Weekend).  We again anticipate excellent night skies for observation. This Stardate will bring an eclectic range of subjects and activities to while the time between observations.  Full details are within the program.  Tis a grand occasion to enjoy mixing with fellow enthusiasts on a simple basis.


The Saturday afternoon session anticipates attendance at the pop-up Wairarapa Space Science Centre, on the corner of Holloway and High Streets, Carterton CBD. You are encouraged to arrive early to view the exhibits (TPAS being a principal sponsor) and experience the planetarium.  More details at https://wairarapa.space/. The presentation session begins about 4pm finishing about 5.20pm.  Later in the evening be entertained by music from the middle of the henge.


Camping onsite is available for those seeking an edgy near frontier experience.  


This event also provides opportunities for those interested in the night sky to explore these interests with practitioners in a supportive environment.


If you are unable to come but know others who may be interested, you are more than welcome to forward this email to them.




South Island Stardate


Join us for a celebration of the cosmos at Stardate SI, Feb 17th to 19th 2023. Enjoy great companionship, fabulous talks about astronomy, and wonderfully dark skies. For more info and registration see http://www.treesandstars.com/stardate/

UPDATE (9/1/23): Registration numbers are climbing and more speakers are offering talks. This is going to be a good one.





Carterton District Council is hosting the ALL NEW pop-up  Wairarapa Space Science Centre this summer.

The old VideoEzy store on High Street has been transformed and is now full of fascinating spacey exhibits, movies, a Planetarium Dome and 2 mini Mars Rovers amongst other things.

Wairarapa is bidding to become an official international Dark Sky Reserve. Spaceniks Hari and Sam (curators of the Space Centre) are on a mission to inform us how we can protect this precious asset and also enjoy all the benefits of our very own Dark Sky.

DONT MISS IT.  Full details www.wairarapa.space








Research papers



Surface-To-Ocean Exchange by the Sinking of Impact Generated Melt Chambers on Europa





Putative Methanogenic Biosphere in Enceladus's Deep Ocean




Investigating the feasibility of an impact-induced Martian Dichotomy





BepiColombo mission confirms stagnation region of Venus and reveals its large extent






The Milky Way’s plane of satellites is consistent with ACDM






Miranda's Thick Regolith Indicates a Major Mantling Event from an Unknown Source




Origin and evolution of Mercury's circumsolar dust ring






A JWST transmission spectrum of a nearby Earth-sized exoplanet






On the first probe to transit between two interstellar civilizations




Interstellar Travel - The Wait Calculation and the Incentive Trap of Progress




A Gaian Habitable Zone




From exo-Earths to exo-Venuses





Sunvoyager Interstellar Precursor Probe Mission





Focused Space Weather Strategy for Securing Earth








Middle Holocene Siberian genomes reveal highly connected gene pools throughout North Asia




Ancient DNA elucidates the lost world of western Indian Ocean giant tortoises





Decoupling the skull and skeleton in a Cretaceous bird with unique appendicular morphologies




Basal Primatomorpha colonized Ellesmere Island (Arctic Canada) during the hyperthermal conditions of the early Eocene climatic optimum








Interesting News items



2022 confirmed as country's warmest year on record




Dark Sky reserve




Astronomy Conference




An interesting look at the protection of the Venusean Atmosphere


BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter Compare Notes at Venus




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