
This months research Papers 20_09_2019

Remote sensing of exoplanetary atmospheres with ground-based high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy

From cold to hot irradiated gaseous exoplanets

When did Life Likely Emerge on Earth in an RNA-First Process

Explaining Uranus low luminosity

Modeling the light curve of Oumuamua

Solar system chaos and the Paleocene-Eocene boundary

Geoscience for understanding habitability in the solar system and beyond

Galactic Habitability Re-Examined

Classical and Type II Cepheids in the Zona Galactica Incognita

a practical space elevator alternative achievable with current technology

The impact of stripped cores on the frequency of Earth-size planets in the habitable zone

The formation of the Martian moons

Hydrogen isotopic evidence for early oxidation of silicate Earth

Oceanographic Constraints on Exoplanet Life

A Review of the Emerging Field of Exoplanet Climatology

A Bizarre Comet Active at Record Heliocentric Distance

Predicting the Yield of Potential Venus Analogs

An Automated Method to Detect Transiting Circumbinary Planets

The composition of Mars

GAUSS -- A Sample Return Mission to Ceres

Tidal Detachment and Evaporation Following an Exoplanet-Star Collision

Ferrovolcanism on metal worlds and the origin of pallasites

Red Dwarfs - Exo planets

Water Vapor on the Habitable-Zone Exoplanet K2-18b

Prospects for Life on Temperate Planets Around Brown Dwarfs

Searching for a cometary belt around Trappist-1 with ALMA

SETI - And the search for life

Model of the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence with Coronagraphic Imaging

On the interstellar Von Neumann micro self-reproducing probes

Improved Analysis of Clarke Exobelt Detectability

.   Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand
.   Email Newsletter Number 225, 20 September 2019
Affiliated Societies are welcome to reproduce any item in this email
newsletter or on the RASNZ website
in their own newsletters provided an acknowledgement of the source is
also included.

 1. Interstellar Comet Discovered
 2. First Water Detected on Potentially `Habitable´ Planet
 3. Name ExoWorld Competition - Closes Sept. 30
 4. Naseby Stargazing Event - Sept. 28
 5. The Solar System in October
 6. AAS Astrophotography Competition - Closes Sept. 30
 7. RASNZ Beatrice Hill-Tinsley Lecture Series
 8. New Zealand Starlight Conference - October 20-23
 9. Burbidge Dinner - November 22
10. Variable Star News
11. Secretary for National Astronomical Society
12. Revised RASNZ Rules
13. India’s Vikram Lunar Lander Lost
14. 2020 Conference and RASNZ Centenary
15. How to Join the RASNZ
16. Kingdon-Tomlinson Fund
17. Gifford-Eiby Lecture Fund

1. Interstellar Comet Discovered
In October 2017 an asteroid from interstellar space passed through the inner Solar System.  It was seen only briefly as it was discovered after its close approach to the Sun.  It was later designated 1I for interstellar object and named 'Oumuamua. See Newsletters No.203 and 204, 2017 November and December, for details.  Though there was some slight evidence of outgassing from the object, causing it to accelerate slightly, it always appeared asteroidal.  An object coming from the Oort Cloud, the reservoir of comets about a light-year from the Sun, has an orbital eccentricity, e, close to 1.  1I/'Oumuamua had an eccentricity of 1.19 indicating that it already had a velocity of 26 km/s toward the Sun when the Sun's gravity began attracting it.  The I/ designation is for interstellar objects. 

Now an obvious comet has been found coming from interstellar space. On August 30 Gennady Borisov of Crimea discovered an 18th magnitude comet in Lynx, 10 degrees east of Castor and Pollux, low in the dawn sky. Follow-up astrometry by many observers showed that comet is in a strongly hyperbolic orbit, eccentricity 3.4.  As the comet hasn't passed any major planet on its approach to the Sun this shows that its velocity was around 33 km/s before it came into the Sun's influence.  The comet is presently designated C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) but will receive an I/ designation.

Observations to September 17 give an eccentricity of 3.478 with a perihelion distance of 2.035 AU, 305 million km, outside the orbit of Mars, on December 7.  If its brightness change follows the usual formula then it should brighten to magnitude 15, too faint to see in a telescope but a nice target for cameras on backyard telescopes.  It is moving steadily south-east so staying a low in the dawn sky over coming weeks. It crosses the celestial equator in mid-November and will be near the Crux, Southern Cross, in mid-February.

For an orbit simulation of both 'Oumuamua and Comet Borisov see

A FAQ by Bill Gray is at .

-- Information mostly from Central Bureau Electronic Telegram No. 4668.

2. First Water Detected on Potentially `Habitable´ Planet
Water vapour has been detected in the atmosphere of a super-Earth with habitable temperatures by UCL researchers in a world first. Planet K2-18b, which is eight times the mass of Earth, is now the only planet orbiting a star outside the Solar System, or `exoplanet´, known to have both water and temperatures that could support life.

The discovery, published on September 11 in Nature Astronomy, is the first successful atmospheric detection for an exoplanet orbiting in its star´s `habitable zone´, at a distance where water can exist in liquid form.

First author, Dr Angelos Tsiaras (UCL Centre for Space Exochemistry Data
(CSED)), said: "Finding water in a potentially habitable world other than Earth is incredibly exciting. K2-18b is not `Earth 2.0´ as it is significantly heavier and has a different atmospheric composition. However, it brings us closer to answering the fundamental question: Is the Earth unique?"

The team used archive data from 2016 and 2017 captured by the ESA/NASA Hubble Space Telescope and developed open-source algorithms to analyse the starlight filtered through K2-18b´s atmosphere. The results revealed the molecular signature of water vapour, also indicating the presence of hydrogen and helium in the planet´s atmosphere.

The authors believe that other molecules including nitrogen and methane may be present but, with current observations, they remain undetectable. Further
studies are required to estimate cloud coverage and the percentage of
atmospheric water present.

The planet orbits the cool dwarf star K2-18, which is about 110 light years from Earth in the Leo constellation. Given the high level of activity of its red dwarf star, K2-18b may be more hostile than Earth and is likely to be exposed to more radiation.

K2-18b was discovered in 2015 and is one of hundreds of super-Earths - planets with a mass between Earth and Neptune - found by NASA´s Kepler spacecraft. NASA´s TESS mission is expected to detect hundreds more super-Earths in the coming years.

Co-author Dr Ingo Waldmann (UCL CSED), said: "With so many new super-Earths
expected to be found over the next couple of decades, it is likely that this is the first discovery of many potentially habitable planets. This is not only because super-Earths like K2-18b are the most common planets in our Galaxy, but also because red dwarfs - stars smaller than our Sun - are the most common stars."

The next generation of space telescopes, including the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope and ESA´s ARIEL mission, will be able to characterise
atmospheres in more detail as they will carry more advanced instruments. ARIEL is expected to launch in 2028, and will observe 1,000 planets in detail to get a truly representative picture of what they are like.

Professor Giovanna Tinetti (UCL CSED), co-author and Principal Investigator for ARIEL, said: "Our discovery makes K2-18 b one of the most interesting targets for future study. Over 4,000 exoplanets have been detected but we don´t know much about their composition and nature. By observing a large sample of planets, we hope to reveal secrets about their chemistry, formation and evolution."

Original at:

-- From an ESA/Hubble Science Release heic1916 forwarded by Karen Pollard.

3. Name ExoWorld Competition - Closes Sept. 30
Within the framework of its 100th anniversary commemorations, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is organising the IAU100 NameExoWorlds global competition that allows any country in the world to give a popular name to a selected exoplanet and its host star. Over 70 countries have already signed up to organise national campaigns that will provide the public with an opportunity to vote. The aim of this initiative is to create awareness of our place in the Universe and to reflect on how the Earth would potentially be perceived by a civilisation on another planet.

NZ has been allocated the following star and its companion to name:

Identification: HD 137388
Type: Orange Dwarf, G-type
Constellation: Apus

Identification: HD 137388b
Mass: 0.2 Jupiters
Orbital period: 330 Days
Discovery: 2011
Detection Method: Radial Velocity
Eccentricity: 0.36

The competition for NZ went live on September 1. Submissions for the designation of HD137388 and HD137388b will end on September 30 at 5:00pm NZST.

Name ExoWorlds website:
IAU100 website:
NZ Competition website:

Please send queries to

-- Carolle Varughese, RASNZ Education Group Leader.

4. Naseby Stargazing Event - September 28
On 28 September, 5 pm to 8:30 pm at Town Hall and Naseby Holiday Park.
Bring your camera and enter your photos into our Astrophotography competition.
5 pm Planetarium at the Town Hall.
6 pm Sausage Sizzle at Naseby Holiday Park.
6:30 pm Special Guest Speaker: Ian Griffin - "Wonders of the Southern Night Sky".
7:15 pm Astrophotography Session.
Stargazing (weather permitting) until 8:30 pm.

-- From advertisement on LinkedIn.

5. The Solar System in October
Dates and times shown are NZDT (UT + 13 hours).  Rise and Set times are for Wellington. They will vary by a few minutes elsewhere in NZ.  Data is adapted from that shown by GUIDE 9.

THE SUN and PLANETS in OCTOBER  Rise & Set, Magnitude & Constellation.
            OCTOBER 1 NZDT           OCTOBER 31  NZDT 
      Mag  Cons    Rise    Set     Mag  Cons    Rise    Set
SUN    -26.7  Vir   6.54am  7.28pm  -26.7  Vir   6.07am  8.02pm
Mercury -0.2  Vir   7.35am  9.07pm    0.4  Lib   6.53am  9.52pm
Venus   -3.9  Vir   7.30am  8.31pm   -3.8  Lib   7.06am  9.47pm
Mars     1.8  Vir   6.36am  6.35pm    1.8  Vir   5.21am  6.16pm
Jupiter -2.0  Oph  10.20am  1.22am   -1.9  Oph   8.41am 11.47pm
Saturn   0.5  Sgr  12.12pm  3.13am    0.6  Sgr  10.20am  1.20am
Uranus   5.7  Ari   9.36pm  8.13am    5.7  Ari   7.32pm  6.12am
Neptune  7.8  Aqr   5.28pm  6.20am    7.8  Aqr   3.26pm  4.20am
Pluto   14.5  Sgr  12.41pm  3.41am   14.5  Sgr  10.44am  1.44am

            OCTOBER 1  NZDT          OCTOBER 31  NZDT
Twilights    morning     evening        morning     evening
Civil:    start 6.29am, end  7.54pm   start 5.40am, end 8.30pm
Nautical: start 5.56am, end  8.26pm   start 5.04am, end 9.06pm
Astro:    start 5.22am, end  9.00pm   start 4.26am, end 9.45pm

  First quarter: Oct  6 at  5.47am (Oct  5, 16:47 UT).
  Full Moon:     Oct 14 at 10.08am (Oct 13, 21:08 UT)
  Last quarter   Oct 22 at  1.39am (Oct 21, 12:39 UT)
  New Moon:      Oct 28 at  4.39pm (03:39 UT)


MERCURY and VENUS are evening objects, by the 31st they set about 5 minutes apart.   Mercury is at its greatest elongation, 25° east of the Sun on the 20th.  Subsequently its easterly motion slows allowing Venus to catch up with it.  The two planets are 2.6° apart on the 31st.  Mercury will be to the left of the brighter planet and slightly higher.  The two will be rather low, about 9° above the horizon at 8.50 pm.

On the 30th, the crescent moon, only 6% lit, will be about 9° to the upper right of the planets.

JUPITER is also an evening planet.  On the 31st it sets 2 hours after Venus.  Earlier that evening the moon is about 5° below Jupiter.  The moon is also a few degrees from Jupiter on the evenings of October 3 and 4.

SATURN is an evening object setting after midnight.  This month's lunar occultation on the 6th is visible from parts of southern Africa and the south-eastern Atlantic Ocean.

PLUTO, like Saturn, is in Sagittarius, the two planets are 5.5° apart at the end of the month.

MARS is a nominal morning object but, even by the end of the month, rises only 45 minutes before the Sun.

URANUS is at opposition on the 28th, so becomes observable all night.

NEPTUNE, is in Aquarius well placed for viewing in the evening.


                OCTOBER 1 NZDT       OCTOBER 30 NZDT 
                Mag Cons  transit    Mag  Cons  transit
(1)  Ceres      9.1  Oph   5.33pm    9.2   Oph   4.19pm
(4)  Vesta      7.2  Tau   4.30am    6.7   Tau   2.14am
(9)  Metis      9.3  Cet   3.10am    8.7   Psc  12.46am
(15) Eunomia    9.1  Aqr   9.31pm    9.5   Aqr   7.49pm
(29) Amphitrite 9.0  Psc   2.00am    9.2   Psc  11.34pm

CERES overtakes Jupiter in Ophiuchus about October 24.  For a few nights the two are just under 3° apart with Ceres to the left of Jupiter in the early evening sky.

VESTA brightens in Taurus and is best seen as a morning object, although it will rise a little before 9pm by the 30th.

METIS is at opposition on the 26th with a magnitude 8.6 making it the second brightest asteroid.  It crosses from Cetus to Pisces on the 26th.

EUNOMIA is an evening object in Aquarius.

AMPHITRITE, in Pisces, is at opposition on October 12 at magnitude 8.7.

-- Brian Loader

6. AAS Astrophotography Competition - Closes Sept. 30
Calling all Astrophotographers, it's that time of year again, time to get your entries in for the 2019 New Zealand Astrophotography competition.

This year we are super lucky to have the "Bad Astronomer" Phil Plait as judge for the competition.  Phil is an American astronomer, sceptic, writer and popular science blogger. Phil is best known for debunking misconceptions in Astronomy but is also a well-known Astrophotography enthusiast. For more on Phil see the Auckland Astronomical Society's website.

Australian Sky & Telescope are sponsoring both the Deep Sky category and the Nightscape / Artistic category. The winners of these categories will receive a one year subscription to the magazine as well as having their images printed in it.

Astronz are sponsoring the Solar System category with a $300 Astronz gift voucher.  The Auckland Astronomical Society will also provide a cash prize for each category winner.

Auckland's Stardome Observatory and Planetarium will print a selection of the entrants images for an astrophotography exhibition that will be displayed at Stardome after the competition awards are announced.  The exhibition will then tour around New Zealand at various events and galleries.

The competition cut-off date is the September 30 and the competition awards will be announced at the Auckland Astronomical Society's annual Burbidge dinner. See below for Burbidge dinner details.
The competition rules and entry forms can be found on the homepage of the Auckland Astronomical Society website

-- Adapted from a note to the nzastronomers group by Jonathan Green.

7. RASNZ Beatrice Hill-Tinsley Lecture Series
The RASNZ Lecture Trust Inc. is pleased to announce the itinerary of the 2019 Beatrice Hill Tinsley Lecture series where Babak A. Tafreshi will be speaking at various NZ venues.

Auckland (Auckland Astronomical Society): October 10, time 18:30
Venue: Large Chemistry Lecture Theatre, University of Auckland, Symonds Street
Admission charge: No charge
Event details and bookings: Booking required. Details available soon.

Tauranga (Tauranga Astronomical Society): October 11, commencing 7:30pm
Venue: Otumoetai Baptist Church auditorium. 241 Otumoetai Road, Otumoetai, Tauranga 3110
Admission charge: $5 per adult. Free for children and Tauranga Astronomical Society members

Hamilton (Hamilton Astronomical Society): October 12, time 7.30pm
Venue: Waikato University, Room 1.04 S Block, 1 Knighton Road, Hillcrest, Hamilton
Admission charge: $10
Event details and bookings: Tickets via Eventbrite

Napier (Hawkes Bay Astronomical Society): October 14, commencing at 6pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1 at EIT on Gloucester Street in Taradale
Admission charge: Gold coin

Wellington (Wellington Astronomical Society): October 15, time 7:30pm-8:30pm
Venue: Massey University Wellington, The Pit Block 12, Level C
Admission charge: No Charge
Event details and bookings: Free public event but seating is limited. Register at

Nelson (Astronomy Section, Nelson Science Society, RSNZ): October 16, time 7.30 - 9.00 pm
Venue: Elim Christian Centre, 625 Main Rd, Stoke
Admission charge: $5 koha, students free
Event details and bookings: no bookings. Cash only.

Christchurch (Christchurch Astronomical Society):
October 18, time 7:00 p.m.
Venue: University of Canterbury, C2 Lecture Theatre.
Admission charge: Free
Event details and bookings: Tickets via Eventbrite

Dunedin (Dunedin Astronomical Society): October 28, time TBA
Venue: TBA
Admission charge: TBA
Event details and bookings: TBA

Wanganui (Wanganui Astronomical Society): October 30, time 7.30pm
Venue: Concert Chamber, Whanganui War Memorial Hall, Watt Street.
Admission charge: $5pp, Family $10

New Plymouth (New Plymouth Astronomical Society): October 31, time 7:30pm
Venue: Spotswood College Staffroom
Admission charge: Adults $10, Children Free
Event details and bookings: Cash Door Sales Only - No EFTPOS

Babek will also be speaking at the NZ Starlight Conference, Sunday 20 – Fri 25 October -

For more information, see -

8. New Zealand Starlight Conference - October 20-23
Planning for the New Zealand Starlight Conference continues to make good progress. The conference will take place this year at Lake Tekapo and will discuss all aspects of dark skies protection, combating light pollution, astro-tourism, astro-photography, lighting technology, the aesthetics of the starry night sky, the health and environmental issues of light pollution and much more. The dates will be 20 - 23 October 2019. The conference website is  

We have confirmed ten outstanding keynote speakers, and details are (or soon will be) on the website. We currently (mid-September) have 94 registrations and hope to increase the number in the next few weeks. Many are from overseas, but there is also a strong NZ contingent from the astronomical and dark skies communities.

Many speakers have offered talks on a wide range of topics based on lighting technology, light pollution and its health and environmental impacts, stargazing and astro-tourism. This will therefore be a highly multidisciplinary conference.

A theme of the Starlight Conference is `towards the first dark-sky nation´. To this end we are encouraging people from New Zealand´s already accredited dark sky places, and representatives from all aspiring dark sky places (about a dozen of them) to participate in the conference. We plan to run a workshop with experts from the International Dark-Sky Association on how to become a dark sky place with IDA accreditation.

Our website gives all information you will need to register for the NZ Starlight Conference 2019.  The registration fee for the Starlight Conference is  NZD290, which includes lunches, morning and afternoon teas, Mt John visits and an opening reception in the new Dark Sky Project building (with the restored 1897 Brashear telescope).

The NZ Starlight Conference has been registered as an official IAU100 and RASNZ100 event.

We hope to see you in Tekapo in October.  Speaking slots are full, but we have spaces for more poster papers.

-- John Hearnshaw Chair, Organizing Committee, NZ Starlight Conference

9. Burbidge Dinner - November 22
The Auckland Astronomical Society's Burbidge Dinner 2019 is on
Friday 22 November 2019.
Start Time: 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm)
Venue: Ellerslie Events Centre, Pakuranga Hunt Room.

After Dinner Lecture by Professor Joss Bland-Hawthorn, (Director, Sydney Institute of Astronomy, University of Sydney) "The Galactic Centre - a Window into the Future".  See the lecture abstract at

As well as our guest speaker there will be the prize-giving for the New Zealand Astrophotography Competition including the Harry Williams Trophy for the supreme winner, and the Beaumont Writing Prize. A spectacular venue, great meal, cash bar and ample free parking.

Tickets: $65 pp, earlybird price of $60.00 is available until 31st October includes a buffet dinner.
Tickets can be booked: - by email at -by phone to Niven on 021 935 261 or Bill on 021 225 8175

-- From the AAS website.

10. Variable Star News
Another nova in Scorpio has been discovered by Japanese observer Koichi Itagaki (Yamagata) on 15th September. Other observers have reported the outburst at about the same time.  Reported at unfiltered CCD magnitude 11.0, visual observations are about magnitude 12.0. An initial spectroscopic observation indicates a classical nova with foreground galactic reddening. The nova is being actively monitored by a range of observing techniques. The nova has been given the permanent GCVS designation V1707 Sco.

Announcement details are given on the AAVSO site and in CBET Electronic Telegram No. 4667.

-- Alan Baldwin

11. Secretary for National Astronomical Society
 The Royal New Zealand Astronomical Society (RASNZ) is seeking a suitable person to take on the voluntary role of Secretary.  This is an important role within RASNZ. The new appointee will be a key member of RASNZ helping administer and make strategic decisions for RASNZ. The Executive Secretary shall be paid an annual honorarium of $1000.

 No formal qualifications or prior experience in a similar role are necessary, and, this role does not preclude holders of positions in other astronomical societies. However, knowledge of RASNZ rules
(, history and operations would be beneficial to performing the duties.  Templates created by former holders of this position will be made available.  This role can be undertaken entirely from the home office but attendance at the RASNZ Council's AGM held once a year at the RASNZ annual conference is strongly encouraged.

 The responsibilities of the Secretary include:
 (i) Receive and send physical and electronic correspondence on behalf of the RASNZ, document it and draw appropriate people's attention to the
 (ii) Compile the Council's Annual Report and prepare it for approval by the Council in time for publication in the March issue of Southern Stars, and
 (iii) Maintain a record of meetings and motions, both physical and electronic.

 This offers a great opportunity for someone to contribute to the nationwide support and promotion of astronomy, science education and related research.

 Contact: Nick Rattenbury (
 President - RASNZ

12. Revised RASNZ Rules
At the 96th AGM held in New Plymouth on 18 May 2019 a number of alterations to the Rules were put to the meeting and passed.  The affected Rules are 26, 38, 43, 49 58, 58a, 58b, 75 and 82.

These alterations have been filed with the Companies Office and were registered by the Registrar of Incorporated Societies on 27 August 2019.

The updated Rules are available on the RASNZ website by clicking on the RASNZ Rules and Bylaws link found here:

13. India’s Vikram Lunar Lander Lost
India's attempt to land on the Moon resulted in a loss of contact with the Vikram lander.  The lander appears to have arrived on the lunar surface intact, but is tilted and attempts to re-establish contact have failed so far.

It wasn't meant to be. After a six-week journey, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) lost contact with Chandrayaan 2's Vikram lander shortly before it was supposed to have touched down on the lunar surface. The Moon landing was set to occur on September 6 UT. Vikram (Sanskrit for "valour") separated from the Chandrayaan 2 orbiter on September 2 for a four-day descent that would take it 100 km down to the lunar surface.

The landing occurred on a plain near the lunar south pole on the nearside of the Moon, between craters Manzinus C and Simpelius N. The site is located near -71°S.  A successful touchdown would have made it the closest soft landing near a lunar pole to date. China's Chang'e 4 mission landed near -47°S latitude on January 3. Israel's SpaceIL Beresheet mission failed an attempted soft landing in April.

Launched atop a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) rocket from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in India on July 22, Chandrayaan 2 took a leisurely path to the Moon via a series of orbital boosts, gradually raising its elliptical orbit around the Earth until it was captured by the Moon's gravity on August 20.

The Chandrayaan 2 lunar orbiter began mapping the landing site and an alternate site at the end of August, using its Orbiter High Resolution Camera. Chandrayaan 2 will continue to map the lunar surface and monitor the lunar environment over the coming year.

The Vikram lander was set to deploy a small rover named Pragyan (meaning “wisdom” in Sanskrit) shortly after landing. The solar-powered rover and lander made the landing attempt at local sunrise to give them both a maximum two weeks of daylight before they succumbed to the cold lunar night.

The lunar landing site for Vikram and Pragyan was selected to search for lunar water ice trapped near the poles. An earlier ISRO mission, the Chandrayaan 1 orbiter, found direct evidence for water ice in craters trapped in perpetual shadow near the lunar poles.

The ISRO and NASA's Deep Space Network will continue to listen for Vikram in the coming days, but the prognosis is grim. The Chandrayaan 2 orbiter and NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter may image the site as well.

-- Abridged from David Dickinson's article on Sky & Telescope's webpage at
See the original for diagrams and images.

14. 2020 Conference and RASNZ Centenary
The 2020 Conference will be held 8-10 May at Wellington with the Wharewaka Function Centre the venue (near the Michael Fowler Centre) in downtown Wellington.  The Wellington Astronomical Society is hosting this conference.

2020 marks a significant milestone in the life of the Society as it was founded in November 1920 with 75 members.

The SCC invites ideas from members how the Society might commemorate its centenary at next year’s conference.  Please send your suggestions to the SCC at

-- Glen Rowe, Chair, Standing Conference Committee

15. How to Join the RASNZ
RASNZ membership is open to all individuals with an interest in
astronomy in New Zealand. Information about the society and its
objects can be found at
A membership form can be either obtained from or
by completing the online application form found at
Basic membership for the 2019 year starts at $40 for an ordinary
member, which includes an electronic subscription to our journal
'Southern Stars'.

16. Kingdon-Tomlinson Fund
The RASNZ is responsible for recommending to the trustees of the Kingdon
Tomlinson Fund that grants be made for astronomical projects. The grants may be to any person or persons, or organisations, requiring funding for any projects or ventures that promote the progress of astronomy in New Zealand. Applications are now invited for grants from the Kingdon-Tomlinson Fund. The application should reach the Secretary by 1 November 2019 for consideration by Council. Full details are set down in the RASNZ By-Laws, Section J. Information on the K-T Fund is at
The application form at

17. Gifford-Eiby Lecture Fund
The RASNZ administers the Gifford-Eiby Memorial Lectureship Fund to
assist Affiliated Societies with travel costs of getting a lecturer
or instructor to their meetings.  Details are in RASNZ By-Laws Section
H and at
The application form is at

  "How long is a piece of string theory?" -- Eric Idle.

  "Oh dear.  What can the dark matter be?" -- Eric Idle.

(Both above from Eric Idle's 'The Road to Mars'.)

  "Kepler's laws, although not rigidly true, are sufficiently near to the truth to have led to the discovery of the law of attraction of the bodies of the Solar System.  The deviation from complete accuracy is due to the facts, that the planets are not of unappreciable mass, that, in consequence, they disturb each other's orbits about the Sun."  -- Isaac Newton.

  "For Mr Newton, space and time did not talk to each other, never married, and lived separate lives."  -- Roberto Trotta.

  "In some sense, gravity does not exist; what moves the planets and the stars is the distortion of space and time."  -- Michio Kaku.

(The three above in Marcus Chown's 'The Ascent of Gravity', Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2017.)

  "A precise classification system is the key to understanding the biological or geological world; an imprecise system of classification leads to misinterpretation and confusion.

  The development of every classification system follows the same general evolutionary pattern.  Properties of the members of the population are surveyed.  Some are found to be discontinuous, and a tentative classification is based on these discontinuous properties.  Additional surveys reveal other discontinuous properties that can be used to test the initial classification.  Every classification scheme continues to evolve as more data becomes available.  Interesting tensions develop between taxonomists who are mainly 'lumpers' and those who are mainly 'splitters', between those researchers who are ready (sometimes too ready) to accept changes in a taxonomic system and those who cling to an 'established' system long after it has been superseded.  These tensions are well exposed at meetings of meteorite researchers."  -- John T. Wasson in 'Meteorites', W.H. Freeman, 1985.

Alan Gilmore               Phone: 03 680 6817
P.O. Box 57      
Lake Tekapo 7945
New Zealand

September Celestial Calendar by Dave Mitsky

All times, unless otherwise noted, are UT (subtract four hours and, when appropriate, one calendar day for EDT)

9/1 The equation of time, which yields the difference between mean solar time and apparent solar time, equals 0 at 20:00
9/2 Mars is in conjunction with the Sun (2.675 astronomical units from Earth, latitude 1.7 degrees) at 11:00; the Moon is 7.1 degrees north-northeast of the first-magnitude star Spica (Alpha Virginis) at 15:00
9/3 Mercury (magnitude -1.8) is 0.6 degree north-northeast of Mars (magnitude +1.7) at 17:00
9/4 Mercury is in superior conjunction with the Sun (1.369 AU from Earth, latitude 6.5 degrees) at 1:00
9/5 The Moon is 7.6 degrees north-northeast of the first-magnitude star Antares (Alpha Scorpii) at 23:00
9/6 Asteroid 135 Hertha (magnitude +9.6) is at opposition in Aquarius at 6:00; First Quarter Moon occurs at 3:10; the Moon is 2.3 degrees north-northeast of Jupiter at 8:00; the Lunar X, also known as the Werner or Purbach Cross, an X-shaped clair-obscur illumination effect involving various ridges and crater rims located between the craters La Caille, Blanchinus, and Purbach, is predicted to begin at 15:47
9/8 The Moon is 0.04 degree north of Saturn, with an occultation taking place in western Melanesia, western Micronesia, western and northern Australia, southern Indonesia, Madagascar, and eastern Africa, at 14:00; Jupiter is at eastern quadrature (90 degrees from the Sun) at 15:00; the Moon is at the descending node (longitude 286.0 degrees) at 18:00
9/9 The Moon is 0.1 degree north of Pluto, with an occultation taking place in northern South America, the Galapagos Islands, Easter Island, and Polynesia with the exception of Hawaii, at 3:00
9/10 Neptune (magnitude +7.8, apparent size 2.4") is at opposition at 8:00
9/13 The Moon is at apogee, subtending 29' 24" from a distance of 406,377 kilometers (252,511 miles), at 1:32; Mercury is (magnitude -0.9) 0..3 degree south-southwest of Venus (magnitude -3.9) at 14:00; the Moon is 3..4 degrees southeast of Neptune at 21:00
9/14 Full Moon (known as the Barley, Corn, or Fruit Moon), this year’s Harvest Moon, occurs at 4:33
9/17 The Sun enters Virgo, at longitude 174.2 degrees on the ecliptic, at 8:00; the Moon is 4.0 degrees south of Uranus at 20:00
9/18 Saturn is stationary in right ascension, with prograde (direct) motion to commence, at 5:00; Saturn is stationary in longitude, with prograde (direct) motion to commence, at 7:00
9/19 The Moon is 7.6 degrees southeast the bright open cluster M45 (the Pleiades or Subaru) in Taurus at 23:00; Mars and Neptune are at heliocentric opposition (longitudes 167.4 degrees and 347.4 degrees) at 23:00
9/20 The Moon is 2.6 degrees north of the first-magnitude star Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) at 16:00
9/22 Last Quarter Moon occurs at 2:41; the Moon is 2.0 degrees south of the bright open cluster M35 in Gemini at 9:00; the Curtiss Cross, an X-shaped illumination effect located between the craters Parry and Gambart, is predicted to be visible at 16:28; Mercury is at the descending node through the ecliptic plane at 21:00
9/23 The Moon is at the ascending node (longitude 104.4 degrees) at 7:00; the Sun is at a longitude of 180 degrees at 7:50; the autumnal equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere at 7:50; the Moon is 9.5 degrees south of the first-magnitude star Castor (Alpha Geminorum) at 19:00
9/24 The Moon is 5.9 degrees south of the first-magnitude star Pollux (Beta Geminorum) at 0:00; the Moon is 0.4 degree north of the bright open cluster M44 (the Beehive Cluster or Praesepe) in Cancer at 22:00
9/25 Asteroid 4 Vesta (magnitude +7.3) is stationary in Taurus at 5:00
9/26 The Moon is 3.2 degrees north-northeast of the first-magnitude star Regulus (Alpha Leonis) at 11:00
9/27 Saturn is at its southernmost declination (-22.5 degrees) at 21:00
9/28 The Moon is at perigee, subtending 33' 24" from a distance of 357,803 kilometers (222,328 miles), at 2:24; asteroid 21 Lutetia (magnitude +9.0) is at opposition in Capricornus at 4:00; New Moon (lunation 1197) occurs at 18:26
9/29 Mercury (magnitude -0.2) is 1.3 degree north-northeast of Spica at 9:00; the Moon is 4.0 degrees north-northeast of Venus at 16:00
9/30 The Moon is 7.0 degrees north-northeast of Spica at 1:00; the Moon is 5.8 degrees north-northeast of Mercury at 3:00

Nicolas Louis de Lacaille and Johann Gottfried Galle were born this month.

Jean-Dominique Maraldi discovered the globular cluster M15 on September 7, 1746. On September 11, 1746, Jean-Dominique Maraldi discovered the globular cluster M2. Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille discovered NGC 104 (47 Tucanae), the second largest and brightest globular cluster, on September 14th, 1751. William Herschel discovered the barred spiral galaxy NGC 7753 on September 12, 1784. William Herschel discovered the Saturnian satellite Mimas on September 17, 1789. Comet C/1793 S2 (Messier) was discovered by Charles Messier on September 27th, 1793. Karl Harding discovered asteroid 3 Juno on September 1, 1804. Neptune was discovered by Johann Gottfried Galle on September 23, 1846, using Urbain Le Verrier’s calculations of its position. On September 19, 1848, William Bond discovered Saturn’s fourteenth-magnitude satellite Hyperion, the first irregular moon to be discovered. On September 13, 1850, John Russell Hind discovered the asteroid 12 Victoria. E.. E. Barnard discovered Jupiter’s fifth satellite, fourteenth-magnitude Amalthea, using the 36-inch refractor at the Lick Observatory, on September 9, 1892.

The minor meteor shower known as the Aurigids, which has a maximum hourly rate of just six per hour, peaks on the morning of September 1st. The peak of the minor meteor shower known as the Epsilon Perseids, with a maximum hourly rate of just five per hour, takes place on the evening of September 9th. The radiant is located near the second-magnitude star Algol (Beta Persei) at 03h15m, +40 degrees.

Information on passes of the ISS, the USAF’s X-37B, the HST, and other satellites can be found at

The Moon is 1.8 days old, subtends 33.3 arc minutes, is illuminated 3.8%, and is located in Virgo on September 1st at 0:00 UT. The Moon is at its greatest northern declination (+22.7 degrees) on September 23rd and its greatest southern declination (-22.5 degrees) on September 8th. Longitudinal libration is at a maximum of +7.9 degrees on September 5th and a minimum of -7.1 degrees on September 22nd. Latitudinal libration is at a maximum of +6.6 degrees on September 16th and a minimum of -6.6 degrees on September 2nd and -6.5 degrees on September 29th. The First Quarter Moon forms a noteworthy triangle with Antares and Jupiter on September 5th. The waxing gibbous Moon lies between Jupiter and Saturn on the following two nights. The waning gibbous Moon is located in the bright open cluster Melotte 25 (the Hyades) on the morning of September 20th. New Moon occurs on September 28th. Large tides will occur for several days thereafter. The Moon is at apogee (63.71 Earth-radii distant) on September 13th and at perigee (56.10 Earth-radii distant) on September 28th. The Moon occults Saturn on September 8th and Pluto on September 9th from certain parts of the world. The Moon occults the variable triple-star Propus (Eta Geminorum) for observers in the southwestern United States and Central America on the morning of September 22nd. For more on this event, see the article on page 50 of the September 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope. Browse for information on this and other upcoming lunar occultations of bright stars. Visit tips on spotting extreme crescent Moons and for Full Moon data. Click on for a lunar phase calendar for this month. Times and dates for the lunar crater light rays predicted to occur in September are available at

The zodiacal light, or the false dawn, is visible about two hours before sunrise from a dark site for two weeks beginning on September 26th. It can be seen in Leo, Cancer, Gemini, and Taurus. Articles on the zodiacal light appear at and

The Sun is located in Leo on September 1st. It enters Virgo on September 17th. The Sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south at 7:50 UT on September 23rd, the date of the autumnal equinox.

Brightness, apparent size, illumination, distance from the Earth in astronomical units, and location data for the planets and Pluto on September 1st: Mercury (magnitude -1.8, 5.0", 99% illuminated, 1.35 a.u., Leo), Venus (magnitude -3.9, 9.7", 100% illuminated, 1.72 a.u., Leo), Mars (magnitude +1.7, 3.5", 100% illuminated, 2.68 a.u., Leo), Jupiter (magnitude -2.2, 39.0", 99% illuminated, 5.06 a.u., Ophiuchus), Saturn (magnitude +0.3, 17.6", 100% illuminated, 9.42 a.u., Sagittarius), Uranus (magnitude +5.7, 3.7", 100% illuminated, 19.09 a.u. on September 16th, Aries), Neptune (magnitude +7.8, 2.4", 100% illuminated, 28.93 a.u. on September 16th, Aquarius), and Pluto (magnitude +14.3, 0.1", 100% illuminated, 33.40 a.u. on September 16th, Sagittarius).

This month Mercury and Venus are located in the west, Jupiter in the southwest, Saturn in the south, and Neptune in the east during the evening. At midnight, Saturn can be found in the southwest, Uranus in the east, and Neptune in the south. Uranus is in the southwest and Neptune is in the west in the morning sky.

Mercury is in superior conjunction on September 4th. It reappears in the evening sky as the month ends.

During September, Venus changes very little in apparent size and magnitude.. After being lost in the glare of the Sun when it reached superior conjunction last month, Venus can be seen once again in the evening sky as September draws to a close. The brightest planet sets about 30 minutes after sunset on September 30th.

Mars is in conjunction with the Sun on September 2nd, a week after reaching aphelion, and is about as far from the Earth as the Red Planet can get. Mars won’t be visible again until the third week of October.

Jupiter sets shortly after 10:00 p.m. DST by the end of September. It decreases in brightness to magnitude -2.0 and shrinks in angular diameter by 3.1 arc seconds this month. The First Quarter Moon passes two degrees north of Jupiter on September 6th. Jupiter is at eastern quadrature on September 8th. Transits by Io, starting at 8:04 p.m. EDT (0:04 UT September 5th), and its shadow, starting at 9:21 p.m. EDT (1:21 UT September 5th), take place on September 4th. A transit by Ganymede’s shadow occurs on September 5th, beginning at 11:22 p.m. EDT (3:22 UT September 6th). Ganymede passes 30 arc minutes due north of Callisto on the evening of September 19th. Information on Great Red Spot transit times and Galilean satellite events is available on pages 50 and 51 of the September 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope and online at and

Saturn’s disk is 17 arc seconds in diameter at mid-month. At that time, its rings span 39 arc seconds and are tilted 25 degrees with respect to the Earth. Saturn fades from magnitude +0.3 to magnitude +0.5 this month. The Ringed Planet lies very close to the waxing gibbous Moon on September 8th, with an occultation occurring in some parts of the world. Saturn reaches its second stationary point on September 18th and then begins prograde or eastward motion. It is at its southernmost declination of -22.5 degrees on September 27th. Eighth-magnitude Titan, Saturn’s largest and brightest satellite, is due south of the planet on September 7th and due north of it on September 16th. Twelfth-magnitude Enceladus is located five arc seconds southwest of tenth-magnitude Tethys on September 4th. Saturn’s peculiar satellite Iapetus shines at eleventh magnitude on September 11th, when it is passes 1.4 arc minutes to the south of the planet. Iapetus brightens to tenth magnitude and is positioned 8.5 arc minutes from Saturn on September 30th. For further information on Saturn’s satellites, browse

Uranus is located in southwestern Aries, eleven degrees south of the second-magnitude star Hamal (Alpha Arietis). The planet lies 2.5 degrees south of the sixth-magnitude star 19 Arietis throughout the month. The waning gibbous Moon passes four degrees south of Uranus on September 17th. Visit and for finder charts.

Neptune is located seven arc minutes east of the fourth-magnitude star Phi Aquarii on the first day of September. By September 5th, the ice giant planet lies just 42 arc seconds east of that star. As the day begins on September 6th, Neptune is a mere 13 arc seconds from Phi. Neptune subtends just 2..4 arc seconds, shines at magnitude +7.8, and lies at a distance of 4.0 light hours when it reaches opposition on September 10th. At that time, it is six arc minutes west of Phi Aquarii. As the month ends, Neptune is positioned 40 arc minutes from the star. The waxing gibbous Moon passes four degrees south of Neptune on September 13th. Browse and for finder charts.

An article on Uranus and Neptune with finder charts appears on pages 48 and 49 of the September 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope. Finder charts for Uranus and Neptune are also available online at

Pluto is located near the Teaspoon asterism in northeastern Sagittarius at a declination of nearly -22.5 degrees. Finder charts can be found at and on page 48 and 49 of the July 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope and on page 243 of the RASC Observer’s Handbook 2019.

For more on the planets and how to locate them, see

During September, Comet C/2018 W2 (Africano) travels through Perseus, Andromeda, and Pegasus, and enters Pisces. It is at perihelion on September 5th and reaches a maximum brightness of approximately ninth magnitude on September 25th. On September 28th, the rapidly moving comet passes very close to the eleventh-magnitude galaxy NGC 7743 in southern Pegasus. Browse and for further information on comets visible this month. Other sources of information include and and

Asteroid 1 Ceres heads southeastward between Ophiuchus and Scorpius during September. The dwarf planet shines at ninth magnitude as it passes 12 arc minutes north of the fifth-magnitude star Rho Ophiuchi on September 11th and 2.9 degrees north of the first-magnitude star Antares on September 15th. Asteroid 135 Hertha (magnitude +9.6) is at opposition in Aquarius on September 6th. Asteroid 21 Lutetia (magnitude +9.0) is at opposition in Capricornus on September 28th. Data on asteroid occultations taking place this month is available at and

A wealth of current information on solar system celestial bodies is posted at and

Various events taking place within our solar system are discussed at

Information on the celestial events transpiring each week can be found at and

Online data generators for various astronomical events are available at and

The famous eclipsing variable star Algol (Beta Persei) is at a minimum, decreasing in brightness from magnitude +2.1 to magnitude +3.4, on September 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th, and 30th. Consult page 49 of the September 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope for the minima times. On the morning of September 7th, Algol shines at minimum brightness (magnitude +3.4) for approximately two hours centered at 2:05 a.m. EDT (6:05 UT). It does the same at 10:54 p.m. EDT (2:54 UT September 10th) on the night of September 9th and 12:34 a.m. EDT (4:34 UT) on the morning of September 30th. For more on Algol, see and

Free star charts for the month can be downloaded at and and

Data on current supernovae can be found at

Finder charts for the Messier objects and other deep-sky objects are posted at and and

Telrad finder charts for the Messier Catalog and the SAC’s 110 Best of the NGC are posted at and respectively.

Information pertaining to observing some of the more prominent Messier galaxies can be found at

Author Phil Harrington offers an excellent freeware planetarium program for binocular observers known as TUBA (Touring the Universe through Binoculars Atlas), which also includes information on purchasing binoculars, at

Stellarium and Cartes du Ciel are useful freeware planetarium programs that are available at and

Deep-sky object list generators can be found at and and

Freeware sky atlases can be downloaded at and

Eighty binary and multiple stars for September: 12 Aquarii, Struve 2809, Struve 2838 (Aquarius); Alpha Capricorni, Sigma Capricorni, Nu Capricorni, Beta Capricorni, Pi Capricorni, Rho Capricorni, Omicron Capricorni, h2973, h2975, Struve 2699, h2995, 24 Capricorni, Xi Capricorni, Epsilon Capricorni, 41 Capricorni, h3065 (Capricornus) ; Kappa Cephei, Struve 2751, Beta Cephei, Struve 2816, Struve 2819, Struve 2836, Otto Struve 451, Struve 2840, Struve 2873 (Cepheus); Otto Struve 394, 26 Cygni, h1470, h1471, Omicron Cygni, Struve 2657, 29 Cygni, 49 Cygni, 52 Cygni, 59 Cygni, 60 Cygni, 61 Cygni, Struve 2762 (Cygnus); Struve 2665, Struve 2673, Struve 2679, Kappa Delphini, Struve 2715, Struve 2718, Struve 2721, Struve 2722, Struve 2725 (in the same field as Gamma Delphini), Gamma Delphini, 13 Delphini, Struve 2730, 16 Delphini, Struve 2735, Struve 2736, Struve 2738 (Delphinus); 65 Draconis, Struve 2640 (Draco); Epsilon Equulei, Lambda Equulei, Struve 2765, Struve 2786, Struve 2793 (Equuleus); 1 Pegasi, Struve 2797, h1647, Struve 2804, Struve 3112, 3 Pegasi, 4 Pegasi, Kappa Pegasi, h947, Struve 2841, Struve 2848 (Pegasus); h1462, Struve 2653, Burnham 441, Struve 2655, Struve 2769 (Vulpecula)

Notable carbon star for September: LW Cygni

Fifty deep-sky objects for September: M2, M72, M73, NGC 7009 (Aquarius); M30, NGC 6903, NGC 6907 (Capricornus) ; B150, B169, B170, IC 1396, NGC 6939, NGC 6946, NGC 6951, NGC 7023, NGC 7160, NGC 7142 (Cepheus); B343, B361, Ba6, Be87, Cr 421, Do9, IC 4996, M29, M39, NGC 6866, NGC 6871, NGC 6888, NGC 6894, NGC 6910, NGC 6960, NGC 6992, NGC 6994, NGC 6995, NGC 7000, NGC 7008, NGC 7026, NGC 7027, NGC 7039, NGC 7048, NGC 7063, NGC 7086 (Cygnus); NGC 6891, NGC 6905, NGC 6934, NGC 7006 (Delphinus); NGC 7015 (Equuleus); M15 (Pegasus); NGC 6940 (Vulpecula)

Top ten binocular deep-sky objects for September: IC 1396, LDN 906, M2, M15, M29, M30, M39, NGC 6939, NGC 6871, NGC 7000

Top ten deep-sky objects for September: IC 1396, M2, M15, M30, NGC 6888, NGC 6946, NGC 6960, NGC 6992, NGC 7000, NGC 7009

Challenge deep-sky object for September: Abell 78 (Cygnus)

The objects listed above are located between 20:00 and 22:00 hours of right ascension.

This email describes updates for minor planet occultations for September
If you do not wish to receive these updates please advise
the Occultation Section.

You can view updated paths and other details at:

Minor Planet Occultation Updates:

Events of particular ease or importance below are marked: *****

Sep 1 (328) GUDRUN: Star Mag 11.9, Max dur 7.7 sec, Mag Drop 3.2
Across the North Island of New  Zealand near Auckland and continuing
slightly off the western coast of both islands.

***Sep 2 (1024) HALE: Star Mag 8.6, Max dur 2.4 sec, Mag Drop 7.7
Across the north of the South Island of New  Zealand, from just north of
Waipara to Greymouth.

Sep 2 (147) PROTOGENEIA: Star Mag 12.2, Max dur 11.1 sec, Mag Drop 2.3
Across northern Australia from north of Carnarvon across central Western
Australia, central Northern Territory and northern Queensland to near

Sep 2 (176) IDUNA: Star Mag 12.4, Max dur 10.3 sec, Mag Drop 1.1
Across Western Australia from near Dampier to near Eucla.

Sep 2 (105) ARTEMIS: Star Mag 11.1, Max dur 3.8 sec, Mag Drop 3.3
Across  central Western Australia from north of Carnarvon towards
central South Australia in evening twilight.

Sep 3 (74) GALATEA: Star Mag 11, Max dur 13.2 sec, Mag Drop 2.5
Across northern Australia from Broome across northern Western Australia,
The Northern Territory and Queensland to Cairns.

Sep 3 (200) DYNAMENE: Star Mag 12.4, Max dur 23.2 sec, Mag Drop 1.3
A fairly broad path  across Western Australia from Moora to Wyndham.

Sep 3 (28) BELLONA: Star Mag 10.5, Max dur 5.8 sec, Mag Drop 2
Across northern Australia from Karratha across northern Western
Australia, central Northern Territory and northern Queensland to Townsville..

Sep 4 (914) PALISANA: Star Mag 11.8, Max dur 9.9 sec, Mag Drop 1
Across  northern Australia from Wyndham across northern Western
Australia, The Northern Territory and Queensland to Innisfail.

Sep 4 (225) HENRIETTA: Star Mag 10.7, Max dur 4.5 sec, Mag Drop 3.4
Across Australia from Exmouth across central Western Australia, southern
Northern Territory and into southern Queensland towards Gympie at low

***Sep 4 (371) BOHEMIA: Star Mag 10.3, Max dur 14.2 sec, Mag Drop 2.9
Across south-eastern Australia from Warrnambool across western Victoria
(including Ballarat and Bendigo) to Cobram, and across eastern New South
Wales, probably including Dubbo, to Grafton.

***Sep 4 (255) OPPAVIA: Star Mag 12.1, Max dur 6.4 sec, Mag Drop 3
Across Australia from Brisbane across south-east Queensland, north-east
New South Wales, central South Australia and southern Western Australia
to Bunbury.

*****Sep 5 (1366) PICCOLO: Star Mag 7.7, Max dur 2.8 sec, Mag Drop 6.3
A narrow path across south-eastern Australia from Narooma across
south-eastern New South Wales and Victoria from Corryong to Portland,
including north-western Melbourne and just south of Ballarat.

Sep 6 (49) PALES: Star Mag 11.3, Max dur 14.6 sec, Mag Drop 2.5
Across southern Tasmania, including most of the island south of Launceston.

Sep 7 (1281) JEANNE: Star Mag 11.3, Max dur 2.7 sec, Mag Drop 3.2
A very narrow path across south-eastern Australia from Gympie across
south-eastern Queensland, north-western New South Wales and
south-eastern South Australia to Adelaide.

Sep 9 (424) GRATIA: Star Mag 11.9, Max dur 14.7 sec, Mag Drop 3.1
Across southern Victoria, south of Warnambool and the Latrobe Valley,
and across northern New Zealand at Mangonui.

Sep 9 (2456) PALAMEDES: Star Mag 11.9, Max dur 5.7 sec, Mag Drop 4.5
Across northern Australia, from Carnarvon across northern Western
Australia, central Northern Territory and northern Queensland to Cairns.

Sep 10 (605) JUVISIA: Star Mag 12.3, Max dur 4.9 sec, Mag Drop 2.8
A fairly narrow path across south-eastern Australia right down the New
South Wales coast from Coffs Harbour to Orbost in Victoria, including
Sydney, and across Tasmania from Bridport to Strathgordon.

Sep 12 (18) MELPOMENE: Star Mag 12, Max dur 13.3 sec, Mag Drop 0.2
Across Australia from Port Headland across central Western Australia,
north-eastern South Australia, south-western Queensland and northern New
South Wales to Ballina.

Sep 12 (22) KALLIOPE: Star Mag 11.2, Max dur 11.2 sec, Mag Drop 1.3
A broad path across south-eastern Australia, including most of Victoria
east of (and including) Melbourne, and south-eastern New South Wales
from just south of Canberra and south of Wollongong.

Sep 13 (314) ROSALIA: Star Mag 11.5, Max dur 6.9 sec, Mag Drop 3.5
Across Australia from north of Derby across northern Western Australia,
south-western Northern Territory, north-eastern South Australia and New
South Wales a little north of Canberra to Nowra, and across the South
Island of New Zealand from Westport to Kaikoura.

Sep 13 (702) ALAUDA: Star Mag 11.7, Max dur 15 sec, Mag Drop 1
A fairly broad path across  Australia from Carnarvon across central
Western Australia, northern South Australia and northern New South Wales
to near Newcastle, at relatively low elevation.

Sep 14 (246) ASPORINA: Star Mag 12.5, Max dur 5.3 sec, Mag Drop 0.7
Across Australia from south of Mackay across central Queensland and into
southern Northern Territory at low elevation and into evening twilight.

***Sep 14 (438) ZEUXO: Star Mag 10.2, Max dur 2 sec, Mag Drop 4.7
Across south-eastern Australia from Millicent in south-eastern South
Australia across western and northern Victoria (including Bendigo) and
across south-eastern New South Wales (directly over Canberra) to Kiama.

***Sep 15 (693) ZERBINETTA: Star Mag 7.5, Max dur 4.2 sec, Mag Drop 1
Across south-eastern Australia from Kingston SE across south-eastern
South Australia, north-western Victoria to Robinvale, and across New
South Wales to the Gold Coast in south-eastern Queensland, passing just
south of Brisbane .

Sep 15 (499) VENUSIA: Star Mag 10.7, Max dur 6.4 sec, Mag Drop 4.5
Across south-eastern Australia from Batemans Bay across south-eastern
New South Wales (just south of Canberra )and across north-eastern and
south-western Victoria (including Bendigo and just north of Melbourne
and Ballarat) to Millicent in south-east South Australia.

Sep 16 (20) MASSALIA: Star Mag 11.8, Max dur 5.3 sec, Mag Drop 0.8
Across northern Australia from Exmouth across central Western Australia
and The Northern Territory and northern Queensland to near Mossman.

***Sep 19 (177) IRMA: Star Mag 10.6, Max dur 4.3 sec, Mag Drop 4.2
Across Australia from northern Brisbane across southern Queensland,
central South Australia and into Western Australia in evening twilight.

Sep 19 (593) TITANIA: Star Mag 11.4, Max dur 6.2 sec, Mag Drop 2.5
Across Australia from Proserpine across central Queensland,
south-eastern Northern Territory, north-western South Australia into
southern Western Australia to Perth.

*****Sep 20 (713) LUSCINIA: Star Mag 7, Max dur 8 sec, Mag Drop 7.6
A broad path across the South Island of New  Zealand, from Reefton to
Kaikoura, across southern Victoria from Sale (passing directly over
Melbourne) to Narracoorte and Kingston Sydney.E. in south-eastern South
Australia.  Victoria is in evening twilight.

***Sep 20 (145627) 2006RY102: Star Mag 13.8, Max dur 8.4 sec, Mag Drop 6.5
A path of considerable uncertainty across the southern tip of the South
Island of New Zealand, near Milton and Invercargill.  Most of the South
Island, and even Wellington, is within the one sigma limit.  This path
forecast has changed greatly since the Goffin prediciton, which had it
crossing the northern tip of the North Island and Victoria.

Sep 20 (5) ASTRAEA: Star Mag 11.9, Max dur 3.8 sec, Mag Drop 0.6
Across north-western Australia from Exmouth across northern Western
Australia and into southern Northern Territory in morning twilight.

Sep 21 (410) CHLORIS: Star Mag 10.7, Max dur 5.9 sec, Mag Drop 2
Across northern Australia, from near Katherine (about sunset) across
northern Northern Territory and northern Queensland to Ingham in evening

Sep 21 (266) ALINE: Star Mag 12.3, Max dur 10.3 sec, Mag Drop 1.8
Across Australia from near Kalbarri across central Western Australia,
northern South Australia and southern Queensland to near Gympie, at
decreasing elevation.

Sep 21 (733) MOCIA: Star Mag 12.5, Max dur 9.2 sec, Mag Drop 2.5
Across  Australia, from Wyndham across north-eastern Western Australia,
south-west Northern Territory and eastern South Australia at low and
decreasing elevation.

Sep 23 (91) AEGINA: Star Mag 11.2, Max dur 5.3 sec, Mag Drop 3.2
Across south-eastern  Australia from roughly Sydney across southern New
South Wales, north-western Victoria near Mildura and south-eastern South
Australia to Adelaide, in evening twilight.

Sep 23 (586) THEKLA: Star Mag 11.8, Max dur 6.3 sec, Mag Drop 3.3
Across northern Australia from Carnarvon across northern Western
Australia, central Northern Territory and northern Queensland to Innisfail.

Sep 24 (410) CHLORIS: Star Mag 11.7, Max dur 5.7 sec, Mag Drop 1.3
Across Australia from Kalbarri across central wan southern Northern
Territory and central Queensland to Mackay.

***Sep 25 (426) HIPPO: Star Mag 11.6, Max dur 10.9 sec, Mag Drop 2.5
Across New Zealand, crossing directly over Auckland, and grazing the far
southern west coast of the South Island.

Sep 26 (566) STEREOSKOPIA: Star Mag 12, Max dur 18 sec, Mag Drop 1.1
Across northern Australia from Weipa across northern Queensland,
northern Northern Territory and north-western Western Australia to Port
Headland and Exmouth.

Sep 27 (7641) 1986TT6: Star Mag 11.8, Max dur 5.3 sec, Mag Drop 5.4
A narrow path of significant uncertainty across western Western
Australia from Marble Bar to east of Albany.

*****Sep 27 (145627) 2006RY102: Star Mag 9.4, Max dur 14.1 sec, Mag Drop
A narrow path of great uncertainty across Australia, from near Cooktown
across western Queensland and eastern South Australia to west of
Adelaide.  It appears most of Australia - all but western Western
Australia - is within the one sigma limit.

Sep 28 (410) CHLORIS: Star Mag 11.5, Max dur 5.3 sec, Mag Drop 1.4
Across northern Australia from Carnarvon across northern Western
Australia, northern Northern Territory and northern Queensland to north
of Cooktown.

Sep 28 (721) TABORA: Star Mag 11.1, Max dur 6.7 sec, Mag Drop 4
Across north-western Australia from Kalbarri across northern Western
Australia and northern Northern Territory, passing just north of Cape York.

Sep 29 (206) HERSILIA: Star Mag 9, Max dur 26.9 sec, Mag Drop 4.6
Across northern Australia, from Darwin (at sunset) to Cooktown in
northern Queensland in evening twilight.

***Sep 29 (1213) ALGERIA: Star Mag 7.7, Max dur 3.8 sec, Mag Drop 7.7
A fairly narrow path of significant uncertainty  across Tasmania from
Melaluca to Scottsdale, passing a little north of Hobart and near
Launceston.  The one sigma limit includes all of Tasmania south-east of
Queenstown and Devenport.

Note: for some events there will be an additional last minute update so
for one, if you can, on the day of the event or in the days leading up
to it.
You may need to click "Reload" or "Refresh" in your browser to see the

Please report all attempts at observation to Director Occsec at the address
below. (PLEASE report observations on a copy of the report available
from our

John Sunderland

RASNZ Occultation Section
P.O.Box 3181 / Wellington, 6140 / New Zealand


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