
This months research Papers 20_08_2019

Organic complexity in protostellar disk candidates

Assessment of the probability of microbial contamination for sample return from Martian moons

Enabling martian habitability with silica aerogel via the solid-state greenhouse effect

The Bio-habitable Zone and atmospheric properties for Planets of Red Dwarfs

Historical and Contemporary Trends in the Size, Drift, and Color of Jupiter's GreatRed Spot

Coercion, Consent, and Participation in Citizen Science

Photosynthesis on Exoplanets and Exomoons from Reflected Light

Flaring activity of Proxima Centauri from TESS observations

Anoxygenic photosynthesis and the delayed oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere

Planetary system around the nearby M dwarf GJ 357

The Habitability of GJ 357 d : Possible Climates and Observability

Hot Hydrogen Climates near the inner edge of the Habitable Zone

Identifying Atmospheres on Rocky Exoplanets Through Inferred High Albedo

Eccentricities and the Stability of Closely-Spaced Five-Planet Systems

Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission

H2O2 within chaos terrain on Europa's leading hemisphere

Enceladus and Titan Emerging Worlds of the Solar System

Scaling Relations for Terrestrial Exoplanet Atmospheres from Baroclinic Criticality

Sulfate Aerosol Hazes as Constraints on Rocky Exoplanets

Venus as a Laboratory for Exoplanetary Science

The "Terrascope": On the Possibility of Using the Earth as an Atmospheric Lens

A temperate 1.5 Earth-mass planet in a compact multi-terrestrial planet system around GJ1061

Earth as an Exoplanet A Two-dimensional Alien Map

Constraining the Formation of the Four Terrestrial Planets in the Solar System

Inner Edge of Habitable Zones for Earth-sized Planets with Various Surface Water Distributions

The Search for Living Worlds and the Connection to Our Cosmic Origins

Habitability of galaxies and application of merger trees in astrobiology

Erosion of an exoplanetary atmosphere caused by stellar winds

Jason Wright

Today on the arXiv there are TWO new SETI papers from Penn Staters.

The first is from Sofia Sheikh, who formalizes her Nine Axes of Technosignature Merit here:

She also provides code you can use to generate your own figures like the one below.

The next is from Alan Reyes, who has compiled a bibliography of #SETI within NASA's ADS:

Crucially, you can use the new ADS's bibgroup feature to search the bibliography, including performing full text searches! Try it out here:…/q=bibgroup%3ASETI&sort=date…

And if you see any papers missing let me know!

The latter is the *second* peer reviewed paper to come out of the Penn State graduate SETI course last spring. The first was Emily Lubar and Shubham Kanodia's Cosmic Haystack, here:…/2018AJ....156..260W/abstract

A third work using work from the class was Caleb Cañas and Will Bowman's work constructing a list of all SETI searching that has been done to date, which contributed to Garcia & Tarter's Technosearch:

And there's one more peer-reviewed paper on the way from the final projects, too!


Imaged: Tuesday 14th July 2015.

Latest Pluto map as of August 2019, with the latest approved feature names in yellow. The names in white had already been approved. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

New names from the New Horizons website:

Alcyonia Lacus, a possible frozen nitrogen lake on Pluto's surface, is named for the bottomless lake in or in the vicinity of Lerna, a region of Greece known for springs and swamps; the Alcyonian lake was one of the entrances to the underworld in Greek mythology.

Elcano Montes is a mountain range honoring Juan Sebastián Elcano (1476–1526), the Spanish explorer who in 1522 completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth (a voyage started in 1519 by Magellan).

Hunahpu Valles is a system of canyons named for one of the Hero Twins in Mayan mythology, who defeated the lords of the underworld in a ball game.

Khare crater honors planetary scientist Bishun Khare (1933–2013), an expert on the chemistry of planetary atmospheres who did laboratory work leading to several seminal papers on tholins – the organic molecules that probably account for the darkest and reddest regions on Pluto.

Kiladze crater honors Rolan Kiladze (1931–2010), the Georgian (Caucasus) astronomer who made pioneering early investigations the dynamics, astrometry and photometry of Pluto.

Lowell Regio is a large region honoring Percival Lowell (1855–1916), the American astronomer who founded Lowell Observatory and organized a systematic search for a planet beyond Neptune.

Mwindo Fossae is a network of long, narrow depressions named for the Nyanga (Eastern Dem. Rep. Congo/Zaire) epic hero who traveled to the underworld and after returning home became a wise and powerful king.

Piccard Mons is a mountain and suspected cryovolcano that honors Auguste Piccard (1884–1962), a 20th century inventor and physicist best known for his pioneering balloon flights into Earth's upper atmosphere.

Pigafetta Montes honors Antonio Pigafetta (c. 1491–c. 1531), the Italian scholar and explorer who chronicled the discoveries made during the first circumnavigation of the Earth, aboard Magellan's ships.

Piri Rupes is a long cliff honoring Ahmed Muhiddin Piri (c. 1470–1553), also known as Piri Reis, an Ottoman navigator and cartographer known for his world map. He also drew some of the earliest existing maps of North and Central America.

Simonelli crater honors astronomer Damon Simonelli (1959–2004), whose wide-ranging research included the formation history of Pluto.

Wright Mons honors the Wright brothers, Orville (1871–1948) and Wilbur (1867–1912), American aviation pioneers credited with building and flying the world's first successful airplane.

Vega Terra is a large land mass named for the Soviet Vega 1 and 2 missions, the first spacecraft to fly balloons on another planet (Venus) and to image the nucleus of a comet (1P/Halley).

Venera Terra is named for the Venera missions sent to Venus by the Soviet Union from 1961–1984; they included the first human-made device to enter the atmosphere of another planet, to make a soft landing on another planet and to return images from another planetary surface.

This map was created using images from both the LORRI (LOng Range Reconnaissance Imager) & RALPH / MVIC cameras. However the LORRI is a monochromatic narrow angle imager where as the RALPH / MVIC is colour and multispectral, but has a wider field of view.

The feature dominating the map in the centre is the Sputnik Planum within the Tombaugh Regio. Note the extreme youthfulness of this area. Mission scientists reckon current surface here is less then 100,000 years old (owing to the lack of even the smallest impact craters) and could be convecting ice from 'heat' deep down.

The hills rise above the polygonal surface. Here, something I have suspected all along, it appears as if the smooth Sputnik Planum within Tombaugh Regio is indeed an infill of frozen gasses filling a huge impact crater with ices, mostly frozen Nitrogen at least 500 metres / 1,640 feet deep convecting over a warm spot, maybe fossil heat from the impact or indeed from Pluto's own internal heat or both. There are dunes of methane ice crystals visible in the higher resolution LORRI images.

The underlying impact crater being approx 825 KM / 512 miles wide and 4 KM / 2.4 miles deep. The jumbled terrain and mountains seen around much of the rim are shattered pieces of ice crust shunted from the impact. I suspect the impact was at a shallow angle, hence the elongated shape of Sputnik Planum, the impactor hit Pluto at speed from the south.

This is possibly the 8th largest known impact crater in the solar system. The graben, extentional faulting including Virgil Fossa are certainly fractures from the impact, with the newly found cryovolcanoes, Wright Mons and Piccard Mons appear to have been built up from heat generated from the impact.

New Horizons passed Pluto at a closest approach of 12,500 KM / 7,750 miles @ 11:50 HRS GMT / UTC on Tuesday 14th July 2015 at a speed of 50,000 KPH / 31,000 MPH.

Pluto & Charon circle around their barycentre once every 6 days, 9 hours and 18 minutes. Pluto and Charon also rotate on their axis in exactly the same time so they both keep the same side turned towards each other seperated by 19,571 KM / 12,154 miles.

Pluto has a mean global density of 2.08 times that of pure water ice, suggesting a ratio of 30% water ice and 70% rock.

The average surface temperature of Pluto is minus 232 Celsius / minus 367 Fahrenheit or 41 Kelvin. If our own Earth cooled to the same temperatures, our oceans would freeze almost all the way down and our atmosphere would collapse and freeze into a layer of frozen gasses 11 metres / 35 feet thick.

Pluto has been geologically active until recent times or could still be. Very strange as Pluto is not tidally heated, nor is thought to be enough radioisotopes to keep the interior warm.

Something very strange is going on.

Text: Andrew R Brown.

NASA / JHU-APL / SWRI. New Horizons spacecraft.

Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand
eNewsletter: No. 224, 20 August 2019
Affiliated Societies are welcome to reproduce any item in this email newsletter or on the RASNZ website in their own newsletters provided an acknowledgement of the source is also included.

 1. Name ExoWorld Competition
 2. Stargazers Getaway August 30 - September 1
 3. The Solar System in September
 4. 2019 AAS Astrophotography Competition
 5. RASNZ Beatrice Hill-Tinsley Lecture Series
 6. New Zealand Starlight Conference
 7. Variable Star News
 8. Secretary for National Astronomical Society
 9. AstroQuest Citizen Science
10. 2020 Conference and RASNZ Centenary
11. Search for Nearby Earth-like Planets
12. Hubble Constant from Merging Neutron Stars
13. Relativity Tested Near Milky Way's Black Hole
14. How to Join the RASNZ
15. Kingdon-Tomlinson Fund
16. Gifford-Eiby Lecture Fund
17. Quote
  1. Name ExoWorld Competition
Within the framework of its 100th anniversary commemorations, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is organising the IAU100 NameExoWorlds global competition that allows any country in the world to give a popular name to a selected exoplanet and its host star. Over 70 countries have already signed up to organise national campaigns that will provide the public with an opportunity to vote. The aim of this initiative is to create awareness of our place in the Universe and to reflect on how the Earth would potentially be perceived by a civilisation on another planet.
NZ has been allocated the following star and its companion to name:

Identification: HD 137388
Type: Orange Dwarf, G-type
Constellation: Apus

Identification: HD 137388b
Mass: 0.2 Jupiters
Orbital period: 330 Days
Discovery: 2011
Detection Method: Radial Velocity
Eccentricity: 0.36

The competition for NZ will go live on 1/09/19. Submissions for the designation of HD137388 and HD137388b will end on 30/09/19 5:00pm NZST.

Name ExoWorlds website:
IAU100 website:
NZ Competition website:

Please send queries to

-- Carolle Varughese, RASNZ Education Group Leader
  2. Stargazers Getaway August 30 - September 1
The North Otago Astronomical Society Inc, would like to invite you to Stargazers Getaway 2019, over the weekend of, Friday August 30th to Sunday September 1st at Camp Iona in Herbert.

This is the second year back for our iconic Stargazers Getaway, building on last year's camp, the first in over 10 years!

With expressions for attendees already coming in, this year is promising to be bigger and better!!

Children under 5 are free
Students 5-17 - $20 p/night, $35 for both
Adults +18 - $35 p/night, $60 for both
Day visits for talks - $5 p/day

Interested people who would like to either attend, speak or present a poster paper are asked to email the Stargazers Getaway Co-ordinator, Damien McNamara, as numbers are limited at :-
  3. The Solar System in September
Dates and times shown are NZST (UT + 12 hours).  Rise and Set times are for Wellington. They will vary by a few minutes elsewhere in NZ.  Data is adapted from that shown by GUIDE 9.

The southern spring equinox is on September 23 at 7:51pm.

NZDT starts on Sunday 29 September, when 2 a.m. advances to 3 a.m.

THE SUN and PLANETS in SEPTEMBER, Rise & Set,  Magnitude & Constellation
            SEPTEMBER 1 NZST           SEPTEMBER 30  NZDT
      Mag  Cons    Rise    Set     Mag  Cons    Rise    Set
SUN  -26.7  Leo   6.44am  5.58pm  -26.7  Vir   6.55am  7.27pm
Merc  -1.8  Leo   6.46am  5.39pm   -0.2  Vir   7.36am  9.03pm
Venus -3.9  Leo   7.04am  6.19pm   -3.9  Vir   7.30am  8.28pm
Mars   1.7  Leo   6.52am  5.56pm   .1.8  Vir   6.38am  6.36pm
Jup   -2.2  Oph  11.06am  2.05am   -2.0  Oph  10.23am  1.25am
Sat    0.3  Sgr   1.11pm  4.11am    0.5  Sgr  12.16pm  3.17am
Uran   5.7  Ari  10.38pm  9.13am    5.7  Ari   9.40pm  8.17am
Nep    7.8  Aqr   6.30pm  7.20am    7.8  Aqr   5.32pm  6.24am
Pluto 14.4  Sgr   1.41pm  4.39am   14.5  Sgr  12.45pm  3.45am

            SEPTEMBER 1  NZST          SEPTEMBER 30  NZDT
Twilights    morning     evening        morning     evening
Civil:    start 6.19am, end  6.24pm   start 6.30am, end 7.53pm
Nautical: start 5.47am, end  6.56pm   start 5.58am, end 8.25pm
Astro:    start 5.15am, end  7.28pm   start 5.24am, end 8.59pm

  First quarter: Sep  6 at  3.10pm (03:10 UT)
  Full Moon:     Sep 14 at  4.33pm (04:33 UT)
  Last quarter   Sep 22 at  2.41pm (02:41 UT)
  New Moon:      Sep 29 at  7.27am (Sep 28, 18:27 UT)


MERCURY, VENUS, MARS and the Sun are all in Leo at the beginning of the month.  Mars is at conjunction with the Sun on the 2nd, at about 10pm.  Mercury is at superior conjunction on the 4th at about 2pm.  The Sun and all three planets rise and set within a few minutes of one another resulting in none of these planets being observable.

By the end of September all four are in Virgo.  Mercury and Venus will be evening objects with Mercury setting nearly 100 minutes after the Sun while Venus sets an hour after it.  On the 30th Mercury, magnitude -1.8, should be visible to the west for a few minutes after 8pm NZDT, at an altitude about 9°.  Venus will be 6° directly below Mercury.  The moon, a very thin crescent, will be a similar distance to the right of Mercury.  The previous evening, Mercury will be just over 1 degree to the right of Spica.

JUPITER and SATURN are both well placed for evening viewing, although Jupiter will set about 1.30 am NZDT on the 30th.

This month's lunar occultation of Saturn is on the 8th.  It is visible from north and west Australia but is a miss for all of New South Wales and Victoria as well as the southeast of both Queensland and South Australia. Two evenings earlier, the moon at first quarter will be just over 2.5° from Jupiter early evening.

PLUTO, like Saturn, is in Sagittarius, the two planets are just under 7° apart.

URANUS becomes a late evening object in September, but is still best viewed as a morning object.

NEPTUNE, is in Aquarius and is at opposition on the 10th.


               SEPTEMBER 1 NZST      SEPTEMBER 30 NZDT
                Mag Cons  transit    Mag  Cons  transit
(1)  Ceres      8.9  Sco   5.56pm    9.1   Oph   5.35pm
(4)  Vesta      7.7  Tau   5.21am    7.3   Tau   4.34am
(9)  Metis     10.0  Cet   4.10am    9.3   Cet   3.14am
(15) Eunomia    8.6  Aqr  10.41pm    9.1   Aqr.  9.35pm
(29) Amphitrite 9.8  Psc   3.15am    9.1   Psc   2.04am

CERES joins Jupiter in Ophiuchus on September 10.  By the end of the month they are about 5° apart.  The asteroid is less than 3° from Antares mid month.

VESTA is in the morning sky in Taurus.  It is about 13° above the Pleiades as seen near 5 am.  The asteroid is stationary on the 25th.

METIS and AMPHITRITE brighten from 10th to 9th magnitude during September, making them possible binocular objects.

EUNOMIA dims during the month following its August opposition.

-- Brian Loader
  4. 2019 AAS Astrophotography Competition
Calling all Astrophotographers, it's that time of year again, time to get your entries in for the 2019 New Zealand Astrophotography competition.

This year we are super lucky to have the "Bad Astronomer" Phil Plait as judge for the competition.  Phil is an American astronomer, sceptic, writer and popular science blogger. Phil is best known for debunking misconceptions in Astronomy but is also a well-known Astrophotography enthusiast. For more on Phil see the Auckland Astronomical Society's website.

Australian Sky & Telescope are sponsoring both the Deep Sky category and the Nightscape / Artistic category. The winners of these categories will receive a one year subscription to the magazine as well as having their images printed in it.

Astronz are sponsoring the Solar System category with a $300 Astronz gift voucher.  The Auckland Astronomical Society will also provide a cash prize for each category winner.

Auckland's Stardome Observatory and Planetarium will print a selection of the entrants images for an astrophotography exhibition that will be displayed at Stardome after the competition awards are announced.  The exhibition will then tour around New Zealand at various events and galleries.

The competition cut-off date is the September 30 and the competition awards will be announced at the Auckland Astronomical Society's annual Burbidge dinner. Keep an eye on the AAS website for details.

The competition rules and entry forms can be found on the homepage of the Auckland Astronomical Society website

-- Adapted from a note to the nzastronomers group by Jonathan Green.
  5. RASNZ Beatrice Hill-Tinsley Lecture Series
The RASNZ Lecture Trust Inc. is pleased to announce the itinerary of the 2019 Beatrice Hill Tinsley Lecture series where Babak A. Tafreshi will be speaking at various NZ venues.

The lecture tour will take place in October. They are:
  Thu 10 Oct – Auckland;
  Fri 11 – Tauranga;
  Sat 12 – Hamilton;
  Mon 14 – Napier;
  Tue 15 – Wellington;
  Wed 16 – Nelson;
  Fri 18 – Christchurch;
  Mon 28 – Dunedin;
  Wed 30 – Wanganui;
  Thu 31 Oct – New Plymouth.

Note, Babek will be speaking at the NZ Starlight Conference and Festival (Sunday 20 – Fri 25 October - )
For more information, see -

-- From Keeping in Touch #32, 6th May 2019.
  6. New Zealand Starlight Conference
Planning for the New Zealand Starlight Conference continues to make good
progress. The conference will take place this year at Lake Tekapo and will discuss all aspects of dark skies protection, combatting light pollution, astro-tourism, astro-photography, lighting technology, the aesthetics of the starry night sky, the health and environmental issues of light pollution and much more. The dates will be 20 - 23 October 2019. The conference website is

We have confirmed ten outstanding keynote speakers, and details are (or soon will be) on the website. We currently (mid-August) have 60 registrations and hope to double the number in the coming weeks.

Many speakers have offered talks on a wide range of topics based on lighting technology, light pollution and its health and environmental impacts, stargazing and astro-tourism. This will therefore be a highly multidisciplinary conference.

A theme of the Starlight Conference is `towards the first dark-sky nation´. To this end we are encouraging people from New Zealand´s already accredited dark sky places, and representatives from all aspiring dark sky places (about a dozen of them) to participate in the conference. We plan to run a workshop with experts from the International Dark-Sky Association on how to become a dark sky place with IDA accreditation.

Our website is up and running and gives all information you will need to register for the NZ Starlight Conference 2019.  Currently the early-bird registration fee is NZD260; after 31 August this will increase to NZD290. We therefore encourage everyone who is interested to register to do so before the end of August.

The NZ Starlight Conference has been registered as an official IAU100 event.

We hope to see you in Tekapo this October. Please let me know if you can come and present a paper.  Speaking slots are nearly full. We have spaces for more poster papers.

-- John Hearnshaw Chair, Organizing Committee, NZ Starlight Conference
  7. Variable Star News

An interesting star system – QZ Carinae.
 QZ Carinae lies in the Eta Carinae nebula, an area of star formation and is a quadruple star system.  The stars in the system are all massive and thus hot and luminous.  One close pair (A) has a rotation period of 20.7 days and the other pair (B) 6.0 days. The two systems take 25 years to orbit each other.  Star B is a close binary (beta Lyrae type star) with a period estimated to be 5.99857 days.

The variable star was discovered by Auckland astronomers in 1972 and the system has been studied on and off since then. QZ Carina is a current VSS research project being coordinated by Stan Walker, Mark Blackford and Ed Budding.  More observations are required to update the eclipse elements and determine the orbital periods up to August 2019. Some further observations have been found in previous variable star observational records and more would b

This region of the sky is always of interest.  A reminder that there is a special VSS campaign running from this year until the end of 2021 to gather frequent observations to monitor eta Carinae during its current phase of brightening. This was first mentioned in the RASNZ May newsletter.  For further information on these projects refer to the VSS web-site ( ) and VSS Newsletters 2019 April and July.

Nova in Orion
A notice has been received from CBET advising a nova in Orion.  “Shigehisa Fujikawa, Kan'onji, Kagawa, Japan, reports his discovery of an apparent nova (mag 9.4) on a CCD frame (limiting mag 13.5) taken on Aug 7.798 UT”. CBET notice (CBET 4659) published 2019 August 15. The nova appears to be a "very fast expanding" classical type-He/N nova from a spectroscopic observation at Cerro Pachon, Chile. The nova has been given the designation V2860 Orionis.

-- Alan Baldwin
  8. Secretary for National Astronomical Society
 The Royal New Zealand Astronomical Society (RASNZ) is seeking a suitable person to take on the voluntary role of Secretary.  This is an important role within RASNZ. The new appointee will be a key member of RASNZ helping administer and make strategic decisions for RASNZ.

 No formal qualifications or prior experience in a similar role are necessary, and, this role does not preclude holders of positions in other astronomical societies. However, knowledge of RASNZ rules
(, history and operations would be beneficial to performing the duties.  Templates created by former holders of this position will be made available.  This role can be undertaken entirely from the home office but attendance at the RASNZ Council's AGM held once a year at the RASNZ annual conference is strongly encouraged.

 The responsibilities of the Secretary include:
 (i) Receive and send physical and electronic correspondence on behalf of the RASNZ, document it and draw appropriate people's attention to the
 (ii) Compile the Council's Annual Report and prepare it for approval by the Council in time for publication in the March issue of Southern Stars, and
 (iii) Maintain a record of meetings and motions, both physical and electronic.

 This offers a great opportunity for someone to contribute to the nationwide support and promotion of astronomy, science education and related research.

 Contact: Nick Rattenbury (
 President - RASNZ
  9. AstroQuest Citizen Science
AstroQuest are looking for volunteer astronomers to study crowded images of galaxies and work out which light is coming from which galaxy. All you need is a computer and the internet.

Organisation: International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research

-- From Royal Society of NZ Alert No. 1057, 25 July.
  10. 2020 Conference and RASNZ Centenary
The 2020 Conference will be held 8-10 May at Wellington with the Wharewaka Function Centre the venue (near the Michael Fowler Centre) in downtown Wellington.  The Wellington Astronomical Society is hosting this conference.

2020 marks a significant milestone in the life of the Society as it was founded in November 1920 with 75 members.

The SCC invites ideas from members how the Society might commemorate its centenary at next year’s conference.  Please send your suggestions to the SCC at

-- Glen Rowe, Chair, Standing Conference Committee
  11. Search for Nearby Earth-like Planets
Newly-built planet-finding instrument installed on Very Large Telescope, Chile, begins 100-hour observation of nearby stars Alpha Centauri A and B, aiming to be first to directly image a habitable exoplanet
Breakthrough Watch, the global astronomical program looking for Earth-like planets around nearby stars, and the European Southern Observatory (ESO), Europe’s foremost intergovernmental astronomical organisation, today announced “first light” on a newly-built planet-finding instrument at ESO’s Very Large Telescope in the Atacama Desert, Chile.

The instrument, called NEAR (Near Earths in the AlphaCen Region), is designed to hunt for exoplanets in our neighbouring star system, Alpha Centauri, within the “habitable zones” of its two Sun-like stars, where water could potentially exist in liquid form. It has been developed over the last three years and was built in collaboration with the University of Uppsala in Sweden, the University of Liège in Belgium, the California Institute of Technology in the US, and Kampf Telescope Optics in Munich, Germany.

Since 23 May ESO’s astronomers at ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) have been conducting a ten-day observing run to establish the presence or absence of one or more planets in the star system. Observations concluded on 11 June. Planets in the system (twice the size of Earth or bigger), would be detectable with the upgraded instrumentation. The near- to thermal-infrared range is significant as it corresponds to the heat emitted by a candidate planet, and so enables astronomers to determine whether the planet’s temperature allows liquid water.

Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our Solar System, at 4.37 light-years (about 40 trillion km) away. It consists of two Sun-like stars, Alpha Centauri A and B, plus the red dwarf star, Proxima Centauri. Current knowledge of Alpha Centauri’s planetary systems is sparse. In 2016, a team using ESO instruments discovered one Earth-like planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. But Alpha Centauri A and B remain unknown quantities; it is not clear how stable such binary star systems are for Earth-like planets, and the most promising way to establish whether they exist around these nearby stars is to attempt to observe them.

Imaging such planets, however, is a major technical challenge, since the starlight that reflects off them is generally billions of times dimmer than the light coming to us directly from their host stars; resolving a small planet close to its star at a distance of several light-years has been compared to spotting a moth circling a street lamp dozens of miles away. To solve this problem, in 2016 Breakthrough Watch and ESO launched a collaboration to build a special instrument called a thermal infrared coronagraph, designed to block out most of the light coming from the star and optimised to capture the infrared light emitted by the warm surface of an orbiting planet, rather than the small amount of starlight it reflects. Just as objects near to the Sun (normally hidden by its glare) can be seen during a total eclipse, so the coronagraph creates a kind of artificial eclipse of its target star, blocking its light and allowing much dimmer objects in its vicinity to be detected. This marks a significant advance in observational capabilities.

The coronagraph has been installed on one of the VLT’s four 8-metre-aperture telescopes, upgrading and modifying an existing instrument, called VISIR, to optimise its sensitivity to infrared wavelengths associated with potentially habitable exoplanets. It will therefore be able to search for heat signatures similar to that of the Earth, which absorbs energy from the Sun and emits it in the thermal infrared wavelength range. NEAR modifies the existing VISIR instrument in three ways, combining several cutting-edge astronomical engineering achievements. First, it adapts the instrument for coronagraphy, enabling it to drastically reduce the light of the target star and thereby reveal the signatures of potential terrestrial planets. Second, it uses a technique called adaptive optics to strategically deform the telescope’s secondary mirror, compensating for the blur produced by the Earth’s atmosphere. Third, it employs novel chopping strategies that also reduce noise, as well as potentially allowing the instrument to switch rapidly between target stars -— as fast as every 100 milliseconds — maximising the available telescope time.

For details and images see

-- From the above press release forwarded by Karen Pollard.
  12. Hubble Constant from Merging Neutron Stars
Radio astronomers have demonstrated how a combination of gravitational-wave and radio observations, along with theoretical modelling, can turn the mergers of pairs of neutron stars into a “cosmic ruler” capable of measuring the expansion of the Universe and resolving an outstanding question over its rate.

The astronomers used the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) to study the aftermath of the collision of two neutron stars that produced gravitational waves detected in 2017. This event offered a new way to measure the expansion rate of the Universe, known by scientists as the Hubble Constant. The expansion rate of the Universe can be used to determine its size and age, as well as serve as an essential tool for interpreting observations of objects elsewhere in the Universe.

Two leading methods of determining the Hubble Constant use the characteristics of the Cosmic Microwave Background, the leftover radiation from the Big Bang, or a specific type of supernova explosions, called Type Ia, in the distant Universe. However, these two methods give different results.

“The neutron star merger gives us a new way of measuring the Hubble Constant, and hopefully of resolving the problem,” said Kunal Mooley, of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and Caltech.

The technique is similar to that using the supernova explosions. Type Ia supernova explosions are thought to all have an intrinsic brightness which can be calculated based on the speed at which they brighten and then fade away. Measuring the brightness as seen from Earth then tells the distance to the supernova explosion. Measuring the Doppler shift of the light from the supernova’s host galaxy indicates the speed at which the galaxy is receding from Earth. The speed divided by the distance yields the Hubble Constant. To get an accurate figure, many such measurements must be made at different distances.

When two massive neutron stars collide, they produce an explosion and a burst of gravitational waves. The shape of the gravitational-wave signal tells scientists how “bright” that burst of gravitational waves was. Measuring the “brightness,” or intensity of the gravitational waves as received at Earth can yield the distance.

“This is a completely independent means of measurement that we hope can clarify what the true value of the Hubble Constant is,” Mooley said.
However, there’s a twist. The intensity of the gravitational waves varies with their orientation with respect to the orbital plane of the two neutron stars. The gravitational waves are stronger in the direction perpendicular to the orbital plane, and weaker if the orbital plane is edge-on as seen from Earth.

“In order to use the gravitational waves to measure the distance, we needed to know that orientation,” said Adam Deller, of Swinburne University of Technology in Australia.

Over a period of months, the astronomers used the radio telescopes to measure the movement of a superfast jet of material ejected from the explosion. “We used these measurements along with detailed hydrodynamical simulations to determine the orientation angle, thus allowing use of the gravitational waves to determine the distance,” said Ehud Nakar from Tel Aviv University.

This single measurement, of an event some 130 million light-years from Earth, is not yet sufficient to resolve the uncertainty, the scientists said, but the technique now can be applied to future neutron-star mergers detected with gravitational waves.

“We think that 15 more such events that can be observed both with gravitational waves and in great detail with radio telescopes, may be able to solve the problem,” said Kenta Hotokezaka, of Princeton University. “This would be an important advance in our understanding of one of the most important aspects of the Universe,” he added.
The international scientific team led by Hotokezaka is reporting its results in the journal Nature Astronomy.

For text & graphics see:

-- From a U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory press release forwarded by Karen Pollard.
    13. Relativity Tested Near Milky Way's Black Hole
More than 100 years after Albert Einstein published his iconic general theory of relativity, it is beginning to fray at the edges, said Andrea Ghez, UCLA professor of physics and astronomy. Now, in the most comprehensive test of general relativity near the monstrous black hole at the centre of our galaxy, Ghez and her research team report July 25 in the journal Science that Einstein’s general theory of relativity holds up.
“Einstein’s right, at least for now,” said Ghez, a co-lead author of the research. “We can absolutely rule out Newton’s law of gravity. Our observations are consistent with Einstein’s theory of general relativity. However, his theory is definitely showing vulnerability. It cannot fully explain gravity inside a black hole, and at some point we will need to move beyond Einstein’s theory to a more comprehensive theory of gravity that explains what a black hole is.”
Einstein’s 1915 general theory of relativity holds that what we perceive as the force of gravity arises from the curvature of space and time. The scientist proposed that objects such as the Sun and the Earth change this geometry. Einstein’s theory is the best description of how gravity works, said Ghez, whose UCLA-led team of astronomers has made direct measurements of the phenomenon near a supermassive black hole -- research Ghez describes as “extreme astrophysics.”
The laws of physics, including gravity, should be valid everywhere in the universe, said Ghez, who added that her research team is one of only two groups in the world to watch a star known as S0-2 make a complete orbit in three dimensions around the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way. The full orbit takes 16 years, and the black hole’s mass is about four million times that of the Sun.
The researchers say their work is the most detailed study ever conducted into the supermassive black hole and Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
The key data in the research were spectra that Ghez’s team analysed this April, May and September as her “favourite star” made its closest approach to the enormous black hole. Spectra offer important information about the star from which the light travels and show the composition of the star. This data was combined with measurements Ghez and her team have made over the last 24 years.
Spectra collected at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii provide the third dimension, revealing the star’s motion at a level of precision not previously attained. (Images of the star the researchers took at the Keck Observatory provide the two other dimensions.)

“What’s so special about S0-2 is we have its complete orbit in three dimensions,” said Ghez. “That’s what gives us the entry ticket into the tests of general relativity. We asked how gravity behaves near a supermassive black hole and whether Einstein’s theory is telling us the full story. Seeing stars go through their complete orbit provides the first opportunity to test fundamental physics using the motions of these stars.”
Ghez’s research team was able to see the co-mingling of space and time near the supermassive black hole. “In Newton’s version of gravity, space and time are separate, and do not co-mingle; under Einstein, they get completely co-mingled near a black hole,” she said.
The researchers studied photons as they travelled from S0-2 to Earth. S0-2 moves around the black hole at blistering speeds of more than 4,400 km/s at its closest approach. Einstein had reported that in this region close to the black hole, photons have to do extra work. Their wavelength as they leave the star depends not only on how fast the star is moving, but also on how much energy the photons expend to escape the black hole’s powerful gravitational field. Near a black hole, gravity is much stronger than on Earth.
This is the first of many tests of general relativity Ghez’s research team will conduct on stars near the supermassive black hole. Among the stars that most interest her is S0-102, which has the shortest orbit, taking 11.5 years to complete a full orbit around the black hole. Most of the stars Ghez studies have orbits of much longer than a human lifespan.

For the original text & graphics see:

-- From a University of California press release forwarded by Karen Pollard.

  14. How to Join the RASNZ
RASNZ membership is open to all individuals with an interest in
astronomy in New Zealand. Information about the society and its
objects can be found at
A membership form can be either obtained from or
by completing the online application form found at
Basic membership for the 2019 year starts at $40 for an ordinary
member, which includes an electronic subscription to our journal
'Southern Stars'.
  15. Kingdon-Tomlinson Fund
The RASNZ is responsible for recommending to the trustees of the Kingdon Tomlinson Fund that grants be made for astronomical projects. The grants may be to any person or persons, or organisations, requiring funding for any projects or ventures that promote the progress of astronomy in New Zealand. Applications are now invited for grants from the Kingdon-Tomlinson Fund. The application should reach the Secretary by 1 November 2019 for consideration by Council. Full details are set down in the RASNZ By-Laws, Section J. For an application form contact the RASNZ Executive Secretary,
  16. Gifford-Eiby Lecture Fund
The RASNZ administers the Gifford-Eiby Memorial Lectureship Fund to
assist Affiliated Societies with travel costs of getting a lecturer
or instructor to their meetings.  Details are in RASNZ By-Laws Section

For an application form contact the Executive Secretary,
  17. Quote
  "Flying fish landed on the deck, albatrosses and sperm whales were constant companions, and on 9 August [1841] a meteor was seen to burst on the south-western sky. It was a prelude to a shower of shooting stars that was expected in the middle of the month. [James Clark] Ross made sure he had instructed all the men on watch what to look out for.  So zealously did they throw themselves into their task that one of the men was reluctant to be relieved of his post, saying he was sure two or three stars were about to fall, as 'he'd been watching them and could see they were shaking!'" -- Michael Palin's 'Erebus - The Story of a Ship', p.124.
  Alan Gilmore               Phone: 03 680 6817
P.O. Box 57      
Lake Tekapo 7945
New Zealand

August Celestial Calendar by Dave Mitsky

All times, unless otherwise noted, are UT (subtract four hours and, when appropriate, one calendar day for EDT)

8/1 The Moon, Venus, and the bright open cluster M44 (the Beehive Cluster or Praesepe) in Cancer lie within a circle having a diameter of 2.7 degrees at 1:00; the Moon is 0.6 degree northeast of M44 at 2:00; New Moon (lunation 1195) occurs at 3:12; Mercury is stationary in longitude, with direct (eastward) motion to begin, at 4:00; the Moon is 1.6 degrees north of Mars at 21:00
8/2 The Moon is at perigee, subtending 33' 15'' from a distance of 359,398 kilometers (223,320 miles), at 7:11; the Moon is 3.1 degrees north-northeast of the first-magnitude star Regulus (Alpha Leonis) at 14:00
8/3 Venus is 0.3 degree south of M44 at 7:00
8/6 Asteroid 16 Psyche (magnitude +9.3) is at opposition at 4:00; the Moon is 7.3 degrees north-northeast of the first-magnitude star Spica (Alpha Virginis) at 6:00
8/7 The astronomical cross-quarter day known as Lammas or Lughnasadh occurs today; First Quarter Moon occurs at 17:31
8/8 The Lunar X, also known as the Werner or Purbach Cross, an X-shaped clair-obscur illumination effect involving various ridges and crater rims located between the craters La Caille, Blanchinus, and Purbach, is predicted to begin at 3:43; Mercury is 9.1 degrees south of the first-magnitude star Pollux (Beta Geminorum) at 5:00; Venus is at perihelion (a distance of 0.7185 astronomical units from the Sun) at 9:00
8/9 The Moon is 7.7 degrees north-northeast of the first-magnitude star Antares (Alpha Scorpii) at 17:00; the Moon is 2.0 degrees south of Jupiter at 23:00; Mercury is at greatest western elongation (19.0 degrees) at 23:00
8/11 The Sun enters Leo, at longitude 138.2 degrees on the ecliptic, at 3:00; Jupiter is stationary in right ascension, with direct (eastern) motion to begin, at 16:00
8/12 Uranus is stationary in right ascension, with retrograde (western) motion to begin, at 6:00; the Moon is 0.04 degree south of Saturn, with an occultation taking place in most of Polynesia, Melanesia, northern New Zealand, most of Australia, and eastern Indonesia, at 10:00; the Moon is at the descending node (longitude 287.4 degrees) at 15:00; Jupiter is 6.7 degrees northeast of Antares at 17:00; the Moon is 0.1 degree north of Pluto, with an occultation taking place in the southern Arabian Peninsula, central and eastern Africa, Ascension Island, and northeastern South America, 22:00
8/13 Asteroid 15 Eunomia (magnitude +8.2) is at opposition at 6:00; the peak of the Perseid meteor shower (a zenithal hourly rate of 150 or more per hour) occurs at 7:00
8/14 Venus is in superior conjunction with the Sun (1.731 astronomical units) at 6:00
8/15 Venus is at its brightest (magnitude -3.9) at 12:00; Full Moon (known as the Fruit, Grain, Green Corn, or Sturgeon Moon) occurs at 12:29: Mercury is at the ascending node through the ecliptic plane at 15:00
8/17 Asteroid 39 Laetitia (magnitude +9.1) is at opposition at 3:00; the Moon is at apogee, subtending 29' 25'' from a distance of 406,244 kilometers (252,429 miles), at 10:49; Mercury is 0.9 degree south of M44 at 11:00; the Moon is 3.5 degrees southeast of Neptune at 17:00
8/18 Mars is 0.7 degree north-northeast of Regulus at 9:00
8/20 Mercury is at perihelion (a distance of 0.3075 astronomical units from the Sun) at 7:00
8/21 Venus, Mars, and Regulus lie within a circle with a diameter of 2.1 degrees at 9:00; Venus is 0.9 degree north-northeast of Regulus 11:00; the Moon is 4.4 degrees southeast of Uranus at 19:00
8/22 Asteroid 4 Juno is in conjunction with the Sun at 22:00
8/23 Last Quarter Moon occurs at 14:56; the Moon is 7.8 degrees southeast of the bright open cluster M45 (the Pleiades or Subaru) at 17:00
8/24 The Curtiss Cross, an X-shaped clair-obscur illumination effect located between the craters Parry and Gambart, is predicted to be visible at 4:36; the Moon is 2.4 degrees north of the first-magnitude star Aldebaran (Alpha Taurii) at 10:00; Venus is 0.3 degree north-northeast of Mars at 18:00
8/26 Mars is at aphelion (1.6661 astronomical units from the sun) at 1:00; the Moon is 2.2 degrees south of the bright open cluster M35 in Gemini at 2:00
8/27 The Moon is at the ascending node (longitude 106.7 degrees) at 2:00; the Moon is 9.7 degrees south of the first-magnitude star Castor (Alpha Geminorum) at 10:00; the Moon is 6.1 degrees south of Pollux at 15:00
8/28 The Moon is 0.3 degree north of M44 at 12:00
8/29 Mercury is 1.3 degrees north-northeast of Regulus at 9:00
8/30 The Moon, Mercury and Regulus lie within a circle having a diameter of 3.1 degrees at 0:00; the Moon is 3.1 degrees north-northeast of regulus at 1:00; Venus is at its northernmost latitude from the ecliptic plane (3.4 degrees) at 1:00; the Moon is 1.9 degrees north-northeast of Mercury at 3:00; New Moon (lunation 1196) occurs at 10:37; the Moon, Mercury and Mars lie within a circle having a diameter of 5.6 degrees at 11:00; Mercury is at its northernmost latitude from the ecliptic plane (7.0 degrees) at 12:00; the Moon is 2.9 degrees north-northeast of Mars at 13:00; the Moon, Venus, and Mars lie within a circle having a diameter of 4.00 degrees at 14:00; the Moon is at perigee, subtending 33' 28'' from a distance of 357,176 kilometers (221,939 miles), at 15:53; the Moon is 2.8 degrees north-northeast of Venus at 19:00

John Flamsteed, Christian Mayer, Pierre François André Méchain, Maria Mitchell, and Otto Struve were born this month.

The gibbous phase of Mars was first observed by Francesco Fontana on August 24, 1638. Abraham Ihle discovered the globular cluster M22 on August 26, 1665. Nicolas Sarabat discovered Comet C/1729 P1 (Sarabat) on August 1, 1729. Caroline Herschel discovered Comet C/1786 P1 (Herschel) on August 1, 1786. The Saturnian satellite Enceladus was discovered by William Herschel on August 28, 1789. Dominique Dumouchel was the first person to observe the return of Comet 1P/Halley on August 5, 1835. John Russell Hind discovered asteroid 7 Iris on August 13, 1847. Asaph Hall discovered Deimos on August 11, 1877 and Phobos on August 17, 1877. The first extragalactic supernova, S Andromedae, was discovered by Ernst Hartwig on August 20, 1885. David Jewitt and Jane Luu discovered the trans-Neptunian object (15760) 1992 QB1 on August 30, 1992. The Jovian satellite 2002 Laomedeia was discovered by Matthew Holman on August 13th, 2002.

The peak of the Perseid meteor shower takes place on the night of August 12th/August 13th and is severely compromised by moonlight from a 95%-illuminated waxing gibbous Moon. Perhaps a dozen Perseids an hour may be visible during the peak. Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle is the source of Perseid meteors. The shower’s radiant is just to the southeast of the Double Cluster (NGC 869 and NGC 884). For more on this year’s Perseids, see page 50 of the August 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope or click on

Information on passes of the ISS, the USAF’s X-37B, the HST, and other satellites can be found at

The Moon is 29.3 days old, is illuminated 0%, subtends 33.1 arc minutes, and is located in Cancer on August 1st at 0:00 UT. The Moon is at its greatest northern declination on August 27th (+22.4 degrees) and its greatest southern declination on August 12th (-22.4 degrees). Longitudinal libration is at a maximum of +7.2 degrees on August 9th and a minimum of -7.3 degrees on August 25th. Latitudinal libration is at a maximum of +6.8 degrees on August 25th and a minimum of -6.7 degrees on August 6th. The Moon is at perigee (at a distance of 56.35 Earth-radii) on August 2nd and again (at a distance of 56.00 Earth-radii) on August 30th and at apogee (at a distance of 63.69 Earth-radii) on August 17th. New Moon (i.e., the dark of the Moon) occurs on August 1st and August 30th. Large tides will take place following New Moon on August 30th. The waxing gibbous Moon occults Saturn and Pluto on August 12th from certain parts of the world. The waning crescent Moon occults the third-magnitude star Zeta Taurii on the morning of August 25th. The event is visible from the western continental United States and Mexico. For more on this occultation, see page 50 of the August 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope. Browse for information on upcoming lunar occultations. Visit for tips on spotting extreme crescent Moons. Click on for a lunar phase calendar for this month. Times and dates for the lunar crater light rays predicted to occur in August are available at

The Sun is located in Cancer on August 1st. It enters the constellation of Leo on August 11th and achieves an ecliptic longitude of 150 degrees on August 23rd.

Brightness, apparent size, illumination, distance from the Earth in astronomical units, and location data for the planets and Pluto on August 1: Mercury (magnitude +2.0, 9.7", 13% illuminated, 0.70 a.u., Gemini), Venus (magnitude -3,9, 9.7", 100% illuminated, 1.73 a.u., Cancer), Mars (magnitude +1.8, 3.5", 100% illuminated, 2.65 a.u., Leo), Jupiter (magnitude -2.4, 42.7", 99% illuminated, 4.62 a.u., Ophiuchus), Saturn (magnitude +0.2, 18.3", 100% illuminated, 9.11 a.u., Sagittarius), Uranus (magnitude +5.8, 3.6", 100% illuminated, 19.53 a.u. on August 16th, Aries), Neptune (magnitude +7.8, 2.4", 100% illuminated, 29.02 a.u. on August 16th, Aquarius), and Pluto (magnitude +14.2, 0.1", 100% illuminated, 33.00 a.u. on August 16th, Sagittarius).

This month Jupiter is visible in the south and Saturn in the southeast. At midnight, Jupiter and Saturn can be found in the southwest, Uranus in the east, and Neptune in the southeast. In the morning, Mercury is in the east, Uranus is in the south, and Neptune is in the southwest.

Mercury undergoes one of its best morning appearances of the year beginning at the middle of August. The speediest planet reaches its greatest heliocentric latitude south and is inferior conjunction on August 9th. The speediest planet is stationary on August 1st, reaches a greatest western elongation of 19 degrees on August 9th, and is at the ascending node on August 15th. It is at perihelion on August 20th and is at its greatest heliocentric latitude north on August 30th. The New Moon passes two degrees north-northeast of Mercury on August 30th.

Venus is lost in the glare of the Sun this month. It’s in superior conjunction with the Sun at ecliptic latitude 3.1 degrees on August 14th. On that date, Venus is 1.731 a.u. from the Earth. The brightest planet attains its greatest heliocentric latitude north on August 30th.

Mars is also too close to the Sun to be seen during August.

Jupiter sets around midnight local daylight-saving time by the end of the month. It decreases in brightness from magnitude -2.4 to magnitude -2.2 and diminishes in angular diameter from 42.7 to 39.1 arc seconds during August.. Jupiter reaches its second stationary point on August 11th. At mid-month, the gas giant is situated approximately seven degrees from Antares. The waxing gibbous Moon passes two degrees south of Jupiter on August 9th. Jupiter passes very close to the tenth-magnitude globular cluster NGC 6235 from August 25th through August 27th. The four Galilean satellites are positioned in order of increasing distance from the planet on August 20th. Callisto, the outermost of the Galilean satellites, is located south of the planet on the night of August 16th/17th. Information on Great Red Spot transit times and Galilean satellite events is available on pages 50 and 51 of the August 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope and online at and

Saturn transits around 11:30 p.m. local daylight-saving time as August begins. The Ringed Planet is located 0.6 degree south of the fourth-magnitude star Omicron Sagittarii on the night of August 7th/8th. Saturn is currently 18 arc seconds in angular diameter. Its ring system spans 41 arc seconds and is inclined by 25 degrees with respect to the Earth. The waxing gibbous Moon passes three degrees to the west of Saturn on August 11th. Saturn’s peculiar satellite Iapetus passes 1.4 arc minutes north of the planet and shines at eleventh magnitude on the night of August 4th/5th. For additional information on Saturn’s satellites, browse

Uranus lies eleven degrees southeast of the second-magnitude star Hamal (Alpha Arietis) this month. The ice giant is located 2.3 degrees south-southeast of the sixth-magnitude star 19 Arietis. Uranus is stationary in right ascension and begins retrograde (westward) motion on August 12th. The ice giant achieves its highest declination (+13 degrees) since the early 1960s on that date. A waning gibbous Moon passes five degrees south of the planet on August 21st. Visit and for finder charts.

Neptune is located in eastern Aquarius. As the month begins, the eighth planet is situated 0.9 degree east-northeast of the fourth-magnitude star Phi Aquarii. By the end of August, Neptune lies just 0.15 degree from that star. A waning gibbous Moon passes four degrees south of Neptune on August 17th. Browse and for finder charts.

Finder charts for Uranus and Neptune are also available at

The dwarf planet Pluto is occulted by a waxing gibbous Moon from some parts of the world on August 12th. On August 18th, Pluto passes 12 arc minutes north of the ninth-magnitude star HD 183431. On August 13th, Pluto can be found two arc minutes north of a tenth-magnitude field star. Finder charts can be found at and on page 48 and 49 of the July 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope and on page 243 of the RASC Observer’s Handbook 2019.

For more on the planets and how to locate them, see

Comet C/2018 W2 (Africano) may shine at eleventh magnitude as it heads southwestward through Camelopardalis during August. It passes just to the north of the fifth-magnitude star SAO 24064 on August 29th. For further information on comets visible this month, browse and

Asteroid 15 Eunomia (magnitude +8.2) reaches opposition in Aquarius on August 13th, asteroid 16 Psyche (magnitude +9.3) reaches opposition in Capricornus on August 6th, and asteroid 39 Laetitia (magnitude +9.1) reaches opposition in Capricornus on August 16th. A finder chart showing all three asteroids appears on page 48 of the August 2019 issue of Sky & Telescope. For information on asteroid occultations taking place this month, see

A wealth of current information on solar system celestial bodies is posted at and

Various events taking place within our solar system are discussed at

Information on the celestial events transpiring each week can be found at and

Free star charts for the month can be downloaded at and

Data on current supernovae can be found at

Finder charts for the Messier objects and other deep-sky objects are posted at and and

Telrad finder charts for the Messier Catalog and the SAC’s 110 Best of the NGC are posted at and respectively.

Information pertaining to observing some of the more prominent Messier galaxies can be found at

Author Phil Harrington offers an excellent freeware planetarium program for binocular observers known as TUBA (Touring the Universe through Binoculars Atlas), which also includes information on purchasing binoculars, at

Stellarium and Cartes du Ciel are useful freeware planetarium programs that are available at and

Deep-sky object list generators can be found at and and

Freeware sky atlases can be downloaded at and

Sixty binary and multiple stars for August: 5 Aquilae, Struve 2404, 11 Aquilae, Struve 2426, 15 Aquilae, Struve 2449, 23 Aquilae, Struve 2532, Pi Aquilae, 57 Aquilae (Aquila); Beta Cygni (Albireo), 16 Cygni, Delta Cygni, 17 Cygni (Cygnus); 41 & 40 Draconis, 39 Draconis, Struve 2348, Sigma Draconis, Struve 2573, Epsilon Draconis (Draco); 95 Herculis, 100 Herculis, Struve 2289, Struve 2411 (Hercules); Struve 2349, Struve 2372, Epsilon-1 & Epsilon-2 Lyrae (the Double-Double) , Zeta-2 Lyrae, Beta Lyrae, Otto Struve 525, Struve 2470 & Struve 2474 (the Other Double-Double) (Lyra); 67 Ophiuchi, 69 Ophiuchi, 70 Ophiuchi, Struve 2276, 74 Ophiuchi (Ophiuchus); Mu Sagittarii, Eta Sagittarii, 21 Sagittarii, Zeta Sagittarii, H N 119, 52 Sagittarii, 54 Sagittarii (Sagittarius) ; Struve 2306, Delta Scuti, Struve 2373 (Scutum); Struve 2296, Struve 2303, 59 Serpentis, Theta Serpentis (Serpens Cauda); Struve 2445, Struve 2455, Struve 2457, 4 Vupeculae, Struve 2521, Struve 2523, Struve 2540, Struve 2586, Otto Struve 388, Struve 2599 (Vulpecula)

Notable carbon star for August: V Aquilae

Eighty deep-sky objects for August: B139, B142, B143, NGC 6709, NGC 6738, NGC 6741, NGC 6751, NGC 6755, NGC 6772, NGC 6778, NGC 6781, NGC 6804, PK64+5.1 (Aquila); NGC 6819, NGC 6826, NGC 6834, (Cygnus); NGC 6643, NGC 6742 (Draco); DoDz 9 (Hercules); M56, M57, NGC 6703, NGC 6791, Ste1 (Lyra); NGC 6572, NGC 6633 (Ophiuchus); H20, M71 (Sagitta); B86, B87, B90, B92, B93, M8, M17, M18, M20, M21, M22, M23, M24, M25, M28, M54, M55, M69, M70, M75, NGC 6520, NGC 6544, NGC 6546, NGC 6553, NGC 6565, NGC 6603, NGC 6818, NGC 6822 (Sagittarius) ; IC 4703, IC 4756, M16, NGC 6604 (Serpens Cauda); B100, B101, B103, B104, B110, B111, B113, Bas 1, IC 1295, M11, M26, NGC 6649, NGC 6712 (Scutum); Cr 399 (asterism), M27, NGC 6802, NGC 6823, NGC 6834, NGC 6940, St 1 (Vulpecula)

Top ten binocular deep-sky objects for August: Cr 399, IC 4756, M8, M11, M17, M22, M24, M25, M27, NGC 6633 (IC 4756 and NGC 6633 are collectively known as the Binocular Double Cluster)

Top ten deep-sky objects for August: M8, M11, M16, M17, M20, M22, M24, M27, M55, M57

Challenge deep-sky object for August: Abell 53 (Aquila)

The objects listed above are located between 18:00 and 20:00 hours of right ascension.

This email describes updates for minor planet occultations for August 2019.
If you do not wish to receive these updates please advise
the Occultation Section.

You can view updated paths and other details at:

Minor Planet Occultation Updates:

Events of particular ease or importance below are marked: *****

***** Aug 2 (1297) QUADEA: Star Mag 5.0, Max dur 1.1 sec, Mag Drop 12.0
Somewhat uncertain path across southern West Australia, northern South Australia and southern Queensland, running from Cape Leeuwin to Maryborough. The star is mag 5.0 63 Virginis.

Aug 3 (1042) AMAZONE: Star Mag 9.0, Max dur 7.3 sec, Mag Drop 5.4
Slightly uncertain path across New Zealand, running across the North Island from Whakatane to Wanganui and then along the western coast of South Island.

Aug 3 (5254) ULYSSES: Star Mag 12.3, Max dur 3.5 sec, Mag Drop 4.2
Somewhat uncertain path that may cross south-eastern Tasmania.

***** Aug 5 (1071) BRITA: Star Mag 11.7, Max dur 9.5 sec, Mag Drop 3.4
Path across south-eastern New South Wales, Victoria and extreme southern South Australia, passing over Wollongong, Canberra, Albury-Wodonga and Bendigo.

Aug 6 (1317) SILVRETTA: Star Mag 12.0, Max dur 4.8 sec, Mag Drop 3.8
Significantly uncertain path across southern Queensland, north-western New South Wales, northern South Australia and central West Australia.

Aug 7 (657) GUNLöD: Star Mag 12.2, Max dur 4.5 sec, Mag Drop 2.8
Somewhat uncertain path across southern Queensland, northern South Australia and central West Australia.

***** Aug 7 (1889) PAKHMUTOVA: Star Mag 10.6, Max dur 2.8 sec, Mag Drop 5.7
Somewhat uncertain path across south-eastern New Zealand, passing over Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill.

***** Aug 8 (500) SELINUR: Star Mag 10.8, Max dur 8.4 sec, Mag Drop 2.5
Slightly uncertain path across New Zealand, passing over Wellington during late evening twilight.

Aug 8 (135) HERTHA: Star Mag 12.1, Max dur 31.2 sec, Mag Drop 0.2
Path across central New South Wales, southern South Australia and south-western West Australia, passing over Maitland, Parkes, Port Pirie and Cape Leeuwin.

Aug 9 (665) SABINE: Star Mag 11.4, Max dur 1.9 sec, Mag Drop 2.6
Path across southern West Australia, northern South Australia and southern Queensland, running from Waroona to Gympie.

Aug 10 (285) REGINA: Star Mag 9.0, Max dur 5.4 sec, Mag Drop 5.4
Somewhat uncertain path across eastern West Australia, running from Eucla to Broome.

***** Aug 10 (1724) VLADIMIR: Star Mag 8.7, Max dur 3.1 sec, Mag Drop 7.6
Somewhat uncertain path across southern West Australia, southern South Australia and western Victoria, passing over Kangaroo Island and Melbourne.

Aug 11 (438) ZEUXO: Star Mag 12.5, Max dur 3.2 sec, Mag Drop 2.3
Path across south-eastern Queensland during evening twilight.

Aug 11 (114) KASSANDRA: Star Mag 11.2, Max dur 7.3 sec, Mag Drop 2.3
Path across Northern Territory and northern Queensland.

Aug 11 (925) ALPHONSINA: Star Mag 12.4, Max dur 6.4 sec, Mag Drop 1.1
Slightly uncertain path across New Zealand, passing over Wairarapa South.

***** Aug 11 (914) PALISANA: Star Mag 10.7, Max dur 45.3 sec, Mag Drop 1.3
Path across western West Australia, passing over Perth.

Aug 12 (21) LUTETIA: Star Mag 11.1, Max dur 48.1 sec, Mag Drop 0.5
Path across north-eastern West Australia, Northern Territory and northern Queensland, passing over Townsville and Proserpine.

Aug 13 (490) VERITAS: Star Mag 12.3, Max dur 5.2 sec, Mag Drop 2.4
Path across the North Island of New Zealand during evening twilight.

Aug 13 2013KY18: Low probability TNO event over eastern Australia and NZ, mag 12.7 star.

Aug 13 (760) MASSINGA: Star Mag 12.1, Max dur 4.7 sec, Mag Drop 1.4
Path across New South Wales, north-western Victoria and southern South Australia, passing over Sydney.

Aug 14 (2448) SHOLOKHOV: Star Mag 10.0, Max dur 3.5 sec, Mag Drop 5.8
Somewhat uncertain path across northern and north-western West Australia, passing over Broome and Shark Bay.

***** Aug 14 (675) LUDMILLA: Star Mag 8.6, Max dur 6.4 sec, Mag Drop 3.8
Path across eastern New Zealand, passing over Christchurch and Wellington.

***** Aug 14 (3063) MAKHAON: Star Mag 11.4, Max dur 8.1 sec, Mag Drop 4.5
Somewhat uncertain path across southern Queensland, northern South Australia and southern West Australia, running from Brisbane to Bunbury.

Aug 15 (971) ALSATIA: Star Mag 11.7, Max dur 5.2 sec, Mag Drop 2.5
Path across Northern Territory and northern West Australia, from Katherine to Shark Bay.

Aug 15 (47) AGLAJA: Star Mag 11.9, Max dur 6.1 sec, Mag Drop 1.8
Path across West Australia, Northern Territory and over Cape York in northern Queensland.

Aug 16 (326) TAMARA: Star Mag 12.0, Max dur 3.2 sec, Mag Drop 1.9
Path across central Victoria during evening twilight and New Zealand, passing over Napier.

Aug 16 (1317) SILVRETTA: Star Mag 11.7, Max dur 4.8 sec, Mag Drop 4.1
Significantly uncertain path across western South Australia and Northern Territory, running from Cape Nuyts to Cobourg Peninsula.

Aug 16 (947) MONTEROSA: Star Mag 10.9, Max dur 4.3 sec, Mag Drop 3.1
Somewhat uncertain path across northern Queensland, Northern Territory and central West Australia, passing over Geraldton.

***** Aug 17 (13244) DANNYMEYER: Star Mag 10.1, Max dur 3.3 sec, Mag Drop 7.1
Significantly uncertain path across West Australia and Northern Territory, passing over Darwin.

Aug 17 (859) BOUZARéAH: Star Mag 9.8, Max dur 6.3 sec, Mag Drop 4.8
Path across Northern Territory and West Australia.

***** Aug 18 (471) PAPAGENA: Star Mag 11.2, Max dur 65.2 sec, Mag Drop 1.0
Wide path across New Zealand, passing over Whangarei, New Plymouth and Christchurch.

Aug 19 (405) THIA: Star Mag 12.1, Max dur 4.9 sec, Mag Drop 1.2
Path across Queensland during evening twilight.

***** Aug 19 (2787) TOVARISHCH: Star Mag 8.5, Max dur 2.1 sec, Mag Drop 7.8
Significantly uncertain path across New Zealand, northern New South Wales, south-western Queensland and northern South Australia, passing over Palmerston North, Wanganui, Bulahdelah, Coonabarrabran and Alice Springs.

***** Aug 19 (2976) LAUTARO: Star Mag 10.4, Max dur 3.9 sec, Mag Drop 5.3
Somewhat uncertain path across Northern Territory and northern West Australia passing over Darwin.

Aug 19 (135) HERTHA: Star Mag 10.7, Max dur 17.0 sec, Mag Drop 0.6
Path across northern Queensland, passing over Tully and Cardwell, Northern Territory and northern West Australia.

Aug 20 (75) EURYDIKE: Star Mag 10.1, Max dur 14.7 sec, Mag Drop 1.2
During evening twilight over Cape York Peninsula in northern Queensland

Aug 20 (605) JUVISIA: Star Mag 12.3, Max dur 7.0 sec, Mag Drop 2.5
Somewhat uncertain path across New Zealand, near Whangarei, then across Tasmania and western West Australia, running from Esperance to Shark Bay.

Aug 22 (472) ROMA: Star Mag 9.8, Max dur 4.0 sec, Mag Drop 2.6
Slightly uncertain path across northern Queensland, Northern Territory and central West Australia, passing over Carnarvon.

Aug 22 (287) NEPHTHYS: Star Mag 11.3, Max dur 6.8 sec, Mag Drop 0.7
Across Northern Territory and West Australia, running from Groote Eylandt to Point D'Entrecasteaux.

Aug 23 (21) LUTETIA: Star Mag 12.0, Max dur 47.5 sec, Mag Drop 0.2
Path across south-eastern Queensland, western New South Wales, north-western Victoria and south-eastern South Australia, running from Bundaberg to Murray Bridge.

Aug 23 (416400) 2003UZ117: Mag 12.7 occulted over most of Australia except the east coast.

Aug 24 (201) PENELOPE: Star Mag 10.3, Max dur 18.2 sec, Mag Drop 2.0
Northern Territory, western Queensland and central New South Wales, passing over Forbes, Canberra and Moruya.

Aug 24 (289) NENETTA: Star Mag 12.4, Max dur 4.5 sec, Mag Drop 0.8
Slightly uncertain path across northern Queensland, Northern Territory and central West Australia, running from Paluma, near Townsville to Cape Inscription.

Aug 24 (409) ASPASIA: Star Mag 12.2, Max dur 9.2 sec, Mag Drop 1.1
Northern West Australia, Northern Territory and northern Queensland.

Aug 25 (1042) AMAZONE: Star Mag 11.8, Max dur 6.7 sec, Mag Drop 2.7
Slightly uncertain path across New South Wales, north-western Victoria and southern South Australia, passing over Kempsey, Parkes, Swan Hill and Kingston SE.

Aug 26 (265) ANNA: Star Mag 10.3, Max dur 0.7 sec, Mag Drop 5.6
Somewhat uncertain path across southern South Australia, north-western Victoria and central New South Wales, passing over Coffs Harbour, near Parkes, Swan Hill and Kingston SE.

Aug 27 (517) EDITH: Star Mag 10.8, Max dur 24.8 sec, Mag Drop 4.6
Path across northern West Australia, Northern Territory and northern Queensland, running from Exmouth to Weipa.

Aug 28 (746) MARLU: Star Mag 12.3, Max dur 7.2 sec, Mag Drop 1.3
Somewhat uncertain path across Northern Territory, Queensland and New Zealand, passing over Toowoomba and Palmerston North.

Aug 29 (252) CLEMENTINA: Star Mag 12.0, Max dur 6.8 sec, Mag Drop 1.8
Across southern Queensland and northern South Australia, running from Gladstone to Ceduna.

Aug 29 (70) PANOPAEA: Star Mag 11.7, Max dur 6.0 sec, Mag Drop 2.1
Path across northern South Australia and central Queensland, passing over Marlborough.

Aug 29 (4834) THOAS: Star Mag 12.3, Max dur 5.1 sec, Mag Drop 4.5
Somewhat uncertain path across Northern Territory and West Australia, passing over Mandurah and Bunbury.

Aug 31 (581) TAUNTONIA: Star Mag 12.1, Max dur 4.8 sec, Mag Drop 2.5
Slightly uncertain path across New Zealand and New South Wales, passing over Palmerston North and Goulburn.

Aug 31 (411) XANTHE: Star Mag 12.4, Max dur 8.2 sec, Mag Drop 0.9
Path across Queensland and northern and western South Australia, passing over Ingham.

Note: for some events there will be an additional last minute update so check
for one, if you can, on the day of the event or in the days leading up to it.
You may need to click "Reload" or "Refresh" in your browser to see the updated page.

Please report all attempts at observation to the address below.
(PLEASE report observations on a copy of the report available from our website).

Peter Litwiniuk

RASNZ Occultation Section
P.O.Box 3181 / Wellington, 6140 / New Zealand


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