
Showing posts from July, 2021

July 2021 News and research items

  Hi everyone   The highlight this month was attending the RASNZ conference here in Wellington. It was a convenient location too as it meant no travelling or accommodation. It was great to see a number of old friends and meet some new ones. There was a great range of talks and photos up on social media too.   This month there is a look at photosynthesis on Earth like planets, an interesting look around the galaxy at how aliens could colonise it. Mercury has a look in too, why is it so dense with a large core? A new study suggested the magnetic field of the sun might have had a influence on the forming planets with the closer ones gaining more iron.   The BBC has a really good article on light pollution that is a great read. There is a look at Tectonic forces on Venus and thanks to Lawrence on the Van Gough article.   So planet of interesting things to read this month Cheers Edwin   Research papers     Efficiency of th...