
September 2024 News and research papers

  September 2024 News and research papers Hi Folks   Not too many papers this month that I’ve found but there are some really interesting ones well worth a read this month. The Earth having a ring was interesting. There was a look at F type stars I’m thinking Sirius here, perhaps below 2 solar masses and you could have a nice exo planet for life. There is also a look at the fauna of long lost NZ, and a reasonable explanation of the Neanderthals disappearing too, I’m thinking sure the ice ages numbers couldn’t have been too high.         A synchronous moon as a possible cause of Mars' initial triaxiality   Short-timescale Spatial Variability of Ganymede's Optical Aurora   Evidence suggesting that earth had a ring in the Ordovician   Nightside Clouds on Tidally-locked Terrestrial Planets Mimic Atmo
 August 2024 News and research papers. Hi Folks   It’s been a stormy night here, and I found myself reading up on the latest research from New Horizons, providing insight to how dark the universe is. There was also an interesting one tonight regarding galactic Seti and looking beyond out milky way. Juice also made a flyby recently, on its way to Jupiter.   I’ve noted down a number of other interesting ones too below for you to read.     Tonight’s storm!     Research papers   Climatic Effects of Ocean Salinity on M Dwarf Exoplanets       Radiolytic Effects on Biological and Abiotic Amino Acids in Shallow Subsurface Ices on Europa and Enceladus     A diamond-bearing core-mantle boundary on Mercury     Pol

Astronomy research and news Items for May 2024

  Astronomy research and news Items for May 2024   Hi Folks   This month there seems to be a lot of physics and cosmology papers. Make sure to watch the video of a journey into a Black Hole and there is an interesting update on the search for an outer Ice giant too. My own research suggests that atmospheres on Earth sized world’s receiving an Earths like steller flux, where the Red dwarf star is smaller than 25% the mass of the Sun is extremely unlikely. The paper looking at Trappist 1 here seem to confirm that finding too.   I hope everyone managed to see the Auroura the past month too one of the biggest solar storms in some time. I managed to snap a few Smartphone photos but it clouded over here around 7:30pm that evening.   Until next month enjoy the reading.   Multiring basin formation constrains Europa’s ice shell thickness     The evolution of a young ocean within Mimas

April 2024 News, research Items and Starcharts

  April 2024 News, research Items and Starcharts   Hi Folks, the biggest event of the past month was meeting Lisa Kaltenegger from Cornell, she gave an interesting presentation on one of my favourite research subjects. That being the e nvironments and condition on a range of Exo planets. While not able to see it in person watching some of the live stream and all the photos of the eclipse from the states was enjoyable.   The most interesting papers out this month to catch my attention were the search for an Outer Ice giant, the search continues there. Pluto has a good look in with a look at the details of Sputnik Planitia. There is also work from Cornell on exoplanets as well.   Research papers     How to identify cell material in a single ice grain emitted from Enceladus or Europa     A Proposal for Enhancing Technosignature Search toward the Galactic Center